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Which components of performance management systems do you think are most important and least important Why Explain which components link most closely to risk management and quality management systems and provide specific examples to support your answer Performance management is a management tool used to measure employee performance and extend rewards to employees who achieve company objectives Many companies implement a performance management system to set standards and expectations for employees at all levels in the organization Performance management systems take the subjectivity out of individual employee reviews and performance rewards conducted by managers Performance management systems also create a broad sense of equality since any employee can achieve the performance rewards by following the expectations and goals set forth by the company The components that I think that are important are Job expectations and goals timely reviews and training and coaching The least important I would say would be performance rewards I think that performance reward is least important to me because you are getting a reward for something that you should already be doing I am not saying that it is not good to have Job expectation reviews and training are the most important because this supports the mission of the company When you start a job you have to go through a training so you can know what is expected of you and then there is he review process where they review how well you are doing your job Response 2 The components that I believe are the most important are the organizations missions values goals and leadership I believe these to be the most important because the mission lets the employees know where the organization is trying to head in the future The values of an organization is what the organization expects of their employees and how to get their The goals of the organizations lets the employees know what the goals are of the organization and what they are trying to reach Leadership is something that most organization have because this gives the employees someone to look up to and a role model The least important performance measure ae rewards for good performance that is something that is important to the employee but not the employer The most performance measure that is more closely to risk management is training and attendance because people have to be trained and taught about risk management If employees are trained during the hiring process they will be able to prevent risk from happening The performance measurement that is closely related to quality management will have to employee performance evaluation because this lets the company know how well the employees is doing Employee evaluation tells plenty about the performance of their job and the quality of service they are giving

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