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05 12 2012 Review for Final Exam Fall 2011 Comm 250 Introduction to Communication Theory General Comments and Guidelines The exam will be multiple choice and true false questions Final exam is cumulative but the focus of the exam is on material covered since Exam 2 for every 1 question on OLD material there will be approximately 4 6 questions on NEW material on dates class notes of course New material covers Chapters 14 17 18 19 and 26 in your text West Turner And Know names associated with the theories Dates are less important i e I will not test you Focus will be on class notes but questions from the text will be asked you should use your text in conjunction with your class notes to further your understanding of the topics discussed in class The exam will require you to know more than just class terms and definitions although you must know these You will be asked 1 to identify examples of the theories acting in real life situations and 2 to apply your understanding of the topics learned for the first exam i e metatheoretical assumptions theory building and testing to the theories we discussed up until this point Groupthink Janis 1972 describe Boundary conditions making Goal purpose of groupthink to understand the nature of decision making in small groups Decision making or task oriented groups Groups under pressure to make decisions ex time possibly jury decision Concepts related to groupthink e g groupthink group cohesiveness affiliative constraints homogeneity group insulation etc Group cohesiveness the extent to which group members are willing to work together Affilative constraints refers to when members withhold their input rather than face rejection from the group Homogeneity group similarity their personal agenda first Assumptions of groupthink Group insulation a group s ability to remain unaffected by outside influences Lack of impartial leadership refers to when groups are led by individuals who put What are the differences between problem solving groups and task oriented groups Problem solving groups sets of individuals whose main task is to make decisions and provide policy recommendations completing jobs assigned to them Task oriented groups set of individuals whose main goal is to work toward According to your text pg 252 how does a vigilant decision maker make a decision How is this decision making process altered in a groupthink situation Information from groupthink video e g conditions that promote groupthink symptoms of groupthink Be able to identify examples from the video Definition of group think tendency to strive for agreement either good or bad 2 Conditions that promote group think stress internal and external Pressure exerted on the group by issues and events both inside and outside the group isolation Symptoms of group think Concurrence seeking efforts to search out group consensus Illusion of invulnerability believe that procedures will protect them if followed belief that the group is special enough to overcome obstacles Belief in inherent morality of the group belief that whatever the group decides is right Assumption that group members are thoughtful and good therefore decision they make will be good Collective Rationalization focusing on past success to rationalize future ones situation in which group members ignore warnings about their decisions Closed mindedness self censorship a group s willingness to ignore differences in people and warnings about poor group decisions Resisting negative feedback from public credible sources Direct pressure pressure on dissenters when deviations from group consensus are met with scorn even seen as disloyalty Direct influence on group members who provide thoughts contrary to the group s Mind guards protect group from exposure to ideas that might harm their shared compliance Individuals who protect group from adverse information Illusion of unanimity any threat to atmosphere of disagreement is discounted high regard for agreement overrides any consideration for alternatives Belief that Out group stereotypes stereotyped perceptions of group enemies or competitors What are the conditions that might produce groupthink silence agreement High cohesiveness Group insulation No impartial leadership leaders of the group are actually a part of the decision making process have a biased opinion on the outcome Homogeneity of the group level education background No decision making procedures High stress How can small groups prevent groupthink not necessarily from Janis extracted from his theory 3 Require oversight and control of group decision making Embrace whistle blowing within the group decision making Allow for objections Balance consensus with majority rule Look at moral ethical implications Open climate for discussion Critical evaluators Avoid being directive don t be too in control Avoid insulating the group from outside criticism Evaluation of the theory Positives Negatives Heuristic scope adequate clear boundaries Underdeveloped poorly conceptualized lacks empirical backing How does the theory define communication Relate to issues involved in defining What are the theory s metatheoretical assumptions Ontological Epistemological communication Axiological Social scientist Goal purpose of OIT receive Organizational Information Theory Weick 1969 To describe how organizations collect manage and use information that they 4 How general systems theory and Darwin s theory of evolution relate to OIT General systems interrelationship among organizational units feedback Explains the influence of information from an organization s external environments and to understand the influence that an organization has on its external environments Theory of socio cultural evolution survival of the fittest Shows why its important to use and distribute information properly Assumptions of OIT Organizations exist in an information environment The information an organization receives differs in its equivocality Information processing reduces equivocality Where does communication fit into the theory Intentional correspondence Concepts of OIT e g information environment equivocality rules cycles etc Information environment the availability of all stimuli in an organization Equivocality the extent to which organizational messages are uncertain ambiguous and or unpredictable Rules guidelines an organization has for dealing with information 4 types o Duration decisions regarding equivocality should be made in the least o Personnel the most

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UMD COMM 250 - Review for Final Exam

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