THET110 Notes November 5 2012 History of American Theater Anti Theater Sentiments in Colonies 1642 1660 Puritans closed theater and other entertainments in England Puritan Philip Stubbes writes that plays are sucked out of the devil s teates to nourish us in ydolitrie hethenrie and sinne Quaker William Penn declared playgoing an offense against God which incited people to rudeness First Continental Congress October 1774 o Theater was banned in the Northern Colonies After the revolutionary war o William Dunlap Father of American Theater Theater as a powerful engine of social change The Contrast by Royall Tyler Map of New York o Urban tenements o The Bowery B hoys o Edwin Forrest American star actor Playwriting competition he set it up Chose a winning play Edwin Forrest vs Charles Macready What was the middle class watching o Melodrama Temperance The theatrical syndicate A theater monopoly in the Age of the Robber Barrons The Little Theater Movement Eugene O Neill Arthur Miller Tennessee Williams Edward Albee
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