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Review for Exam 2 Comm 250 Introduction to Communication Theory General Comments and Guidelines The exam will be no more than 50 multiple choice questions The exam will cover Chapters 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 in your text West Turner I would like you to know names associated with the theories Dates are less important i e I will not test you on dates Focus will be on class notes but questions from the text will be asked you should use your text in conjunction with your class notes to further your understanding of the topics discussed in class The exam will require you to know more than just class terms and definitions although you must know these You will be asked 1 to identify examples of the theories acting in real life situations and 2 to apply your understanding of the topics learned for the first exam i e metatheoretical assumptions theory building and testing to the theories we discussed up until this point Symbolic Interaction Theory SIT George Herbert Mead 1934 What is the goal purpose of SIT How humans interact through interactions creating symbolic worlds and how the worlds affect behavior What are SIT s concepts and explanations How are the concepts defined How do the explanations for each concept relate to one another Mind We must learn a particular language to interact with people Mind enables us to change and learn societal norms Mind allows us to have inner thought conversations in our head Mind allows for impressions of people leads to empathy and development of Self The ability to use symbols that have social meaning The ability to reflect on ourselves from the perspectives of others Role taking imagining the way that others perceive you and becoming that image Looking Glass Affect way you view yourself based on how others view you Pygmalion Affect living up to expectations of others Self fulfilling Prophecy prediction about yourself that causes you to behave in such a way that it becomes true Self Society Web of social relationships that humans create Created by individuals interactions particular others family friends etc generalized others viewpoint of a social group or culture as a whole What research has been generated from SIT Chicago School Iowa School The New Iowa School How do symbolic interactionist theorists define communication Relate to issues involved in defining communication What are SIT s metatheoretical assumptions Ontological Epistemological Axiological People act based on symbolic meanings which are created between them Humanist Is SIT a good theory i e evaluate SIT using the evaluation criteria presented in class Criticisms some say that it s too broad and that it ignores important concepts emotions self esteem The Coordinated Management of Meaning CMM Pearce 1976 Pearce Cronen 1980 Goal Purpose of CMM To explain how people co create meaning in conversation Explanation in CMM Rules create and interpret meaning Meaning is constantly coordinated Assumptions guiding CMM People organize meaning and hierarchy temporarily Humans live in communication communication is not only the dynamic process of talking it is also a way of creating and doing things Humans co create social reality social constructionism belief that people co construct their social reality in conversations Information transactions depend on personal and interpersonal meaning personal meaning the meaning achieved when a person brings his or her unique experiences to an interaction Behavior is not interpretable except in the context of a larger system Hierarchy of Meaning Content Speech Acts Contract Episodes Punctuation Life Scripts Cultural Patterns Content the conversion of raw data into meaning Speech Acts actions we perform by speaking e g questioning complimenting or threatening Contract the relationship you have with the person you re having a conversation with Episodes communication routines that have recognized beginnings middles and endings depending where you start a conversation it will lead to a different meaning Life Scripts clusters of past or present episodes that create a system of manageable meanings with others ways of working with a partner to come to a mutual understanding Cultural Patterns images of the world and a person s relationship to it taking away different meanings based on individual culture According to the theory how is meaning coordinated between people What are the three outcomes that can occur when people try to coordinate meaning Coordination of meaning depends on what three things How do they work in the coordination of meaning The use of rules in the CMM What are rules according to the theory What are constitutive definition rules and regulative behavior rules How do they function in the coordination of meaning Constitutive Definition rules What research has been done to support CMM Evaluation of CMM i e evaluate the theory using the evaluation criteria presented in class and in your text How do CMM theorists define communication Relate to issues involved in defining communication What are CMM s metatheoretical assumptions Ontological Epistemological Axiological Humanist Cognitive Dissonance Theory CDT Festinger 1957 Goal purpose of CDT Assumptions of all cognitive consistency theories CDT s concepts cognition consonance dissonance irrelevance cognitive dissonance magnitude of dissonance etc CDT s explanations How do we determine the magnitude of the dissonance Ways to reduce dissonance Research to support CDT decision making expenditure of effort forced induced compliance Evaluation of CDT How do CDT theorists define communication Relate to issues involved in defining communication What are CDT s metatheoretical assumptions Ontological Epistemological Axiological Expectancy Violations Theory EVT Burgoon 1994 Goal of EVT To predict what happens when peoples expectations for nonverbal behavior are violated in conversation To explain how people create meaning when their expectations are violated Have to explain before predict Previous proxemics research proxemic zones territoriality Proxemic research Edward Hall Intimate distance 0 18 inches Personal space 18 in 4ft Social distance 4 12 ft Public distance 12 ft Territoriality space objcts that we believe to be ours Primary territories your apartment car etc Secondary territories not really yours but you use them ex your school your seat in class Public territories a place you may go so much that you think its secondary but it s a public place ex the beach a movie theater the park Assumptions of

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UMD COMM 250 - Exam 2

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