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Short Answer Questions What are the three types of Shakespeare theatre o History o Comedy o Tragedy Everyday people Crazy happy idea Sex jokes scatological potty jokes Lampooning famous people From komodia revel song Mythical kings queens warriors Hero with character flaw tragodos goat song 3 tragedies trilogy 3 tragedies plus 1 satyr play tetralogy What are three types of sources for Greek theatre o Visual art in Greece primarily statues and vase paintings o Extant text o Archeological ruins 3 theatrical things that Brecht said were the alienation effect o 1 Break the fourth wall had characters actually interact with audience o 2 Juxtapose odd elements on stage ex boppy song about murder play cards tells what is going to happen in a scene you can t really get immersed if you know what s going to happen stop thinking about what s going on and ask why it s going to happen o 3 Keep lights on in theatre o 4 Encourage smoking eating and discussion in audience 3 types of Greek plays o Comedy everyone gets married or a second chance in the end o Tragedy everyone dies o Satyr A satyr is part man and part goat attends Dionysus Satyr interacting with heroes in mythical stories Always performed after tragedies One extant satyr play Cyclops Essay 5 of 6 musical theatre o 1 Rent Sales pitch to revive Rent Would it be successful according to modern Grossed 280 million so clearly Americans enjoyed watching it Most popular musicals in today s time are very based on costumes special effects and flashing lights also known as spectacle musicals Twelve year run which is the 8th longest in history Attracts young audiences which can help get rid of the graying of the American theatre Many generations talk about this play but our generation never got the chance to see Rent live just on video for the most part o 2 Othello Describe a Shakespeare Theatre and describe Othello Three layer audience with rich sitting up top and the poor standing close to the stage Thrust stage overhanging roof columns on each side Tiring House changing room Two entrances to the stage The audience for the most part was lower to middle class People smoked and ate at the theatre and used the corners of the theatre as a bathroom Othello doesn t give promotion to Lago and instead gives it to the less deserving Casio who does not have any battle experience Lago gets upsets to make it seem like Desdemona Othello s wife is having affair with Cassio Lago receives the handkerchief and plants it in Cassio s belongings Othello smothers his wife and kills her once he realized that his wife is having an affair After killing her he realizes that it was a set up and he stabs himself in the eye and kills himself hoping Lago will live with guilt on his shoulders o 3 Doll s House describe how realism came up example from play List 3 factors that lead to the realism movement 1 Industrial Revolution 2 Darwin Marx 3 Urban poor and slums Realism because a doll s house had complex characters none of their actions are black and white and deals with contemporary settings issues life Nora does a lot of lying for benefit of her families good Kogstand is blackmailing Nora but it is in order to keep his job When Torvold screams at her for taking out the loan technically it is rude to yell at your wife but its well deserving At the end when Nora walks out she Slams the door and it is known as the Slam heard around the world which is a very realistic thing to do if a wife is leaving their husband o 4 Explain the urinal DADA describe it and think whether it is art or not and why Someone took a picture of a urinal and called it art Dada is known as a type of art that is nonsense Pushes the boundaries of art I don t feel the fountain is a representation of art since Michael Duchamp simply painted an already made object and just signed it o 5 Performance Studies pick an area of performance studies and describe the audience actors does it fit the definition of theatre The Olympics is an example of athletic political and cultural performance According to the definition they have rehearsals of the opening and closing ceremonies they where costumes that represent their countries Also the actors can be the competitors and they aware that they are in front of a live audience and people are watching through the television worldwide o 6 How I learned to drive Is Uncle Bert a sympathetic character Give examples Yes he is a man who is recovering from being in the military and an alcoholic Peck is the only one in his family that is nice to Lil Bit and supportive of her plans to go to college He teaches her to drive a car even after the bad experience he had with Lil Bit in the car Lil Bit feels good about herself once she learns how to drive a car Only family member to send her gifts at college and remember her birthday Peck gave her the freedom she feels when she drives Although Peck did some unforgiveable things to his niece he did most of these things because he was messed up from alcohol and the military side effects Why was he pinned to a tree Preparing to commit suicide practicing how to do it Othello o How did he kill himself Stabbed in he eye o How did he kill Thestimona Smothered her Dolls House o What did doctor try and tell her He loved her Twin brothers and their life what are they searching for Each other separated at birth mistaken for each other Answer is C Who Antigone wanted to bury Her brother Why Creon was bad He didn t give a proper burial to her brother Turner Theatre of ritual Schehner Ritual of theater Characters in Clitt Notes how many 1 2 3 4 One In the spurt of blood where did the blood come from God s wrist hand Why can she give up shame Kiss her mom without being judged How I Learned to Drive o What Greek methods did How I Learned to Drive use Chorus Where is Hell s Mouth from Medieval Theatre get people dressed as devils create bad smells tried to make hell seem real Who wrote Antigone Sophocles Who is Horace the roman counterpart to Aristotle who wrote the book about drama and theatre and said art should teach but also be entertaining Why they showed a movie to soldiers Could relate to them Coping with issues Wole Soyinka Nigerian who won Pulitzer prize in literature Augusto Boal Brazilian who focused on the oppressors Why important He felt theatre was a weapon and could be used as a tool for domination Wayang Kulit Indonesian ritual origin the stage had a large screen lamp bamboo log Where did Torvold and Nora meet At Court scantily Clad

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