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HISTORY A Greek Theatre Theatre very important 167 theaters and centered in Athens Theatre Exam Review a City Dionysian celebrates Dionysus home to the first form of theatre Dithyrambs were hymns in praise of Dionysia and included a chorus of 50 men and boys dancing 1 Origins of Greek Theatre b Thespis the first actor c Dithyrambs and singing 2 Types of Plays a Comedies were about everyday people and had happy ideas 1 Aristophanes big time Greek comedy playwright wrote Lysistrata b Tragedies ter flaw consisted of mytic kings queens and warriors and included a hero with a tragic charac 1 Main character wore elaborate clothing while the chorus dressed alike but only masks to dif ferentiate their class age and status 2 6 elements Plot complex vs Episodic Character Thought idea Verbal Language Music Spectacle c Satyr s were performed after tragedies and parodied mythical stories 1 There is only one extant Cyclops which was part man part goat and attends Dionysus 2 Aeschylus added the 2nd actor and shrank the chorus he focused on fate 3 Sophicles added the 3rd actor and focused on hubris 4 Euripides wrote disillusioned and violent plots 3 Elements of Greek Theatre a Theatron Audience b Orchestra Stage Dancing Place c Skene Backstage Area d Parados Entrance way chorus moves e Thymele altar f Actors All men g Costumes Masks show gender race job class Comedy fallice Chorus costumed alike h Special effects Ekkylema hidden platform Mechane crane god characters B Roman Theatre 1 Much more Comedy than the Greeks Included mistaken identities farce 2 Para Theatricals entertained the masses and kept them out of trouble a Beast fighting Gladiatorial Combat Naumachia flooded theatre and had naval battles b Anti theatrical prejudice in Rome specially Christians were against forms of entertainment C Medieval Period 1 After the fall of Rome the Roman Catholic Church Takes over a Theatre was practically gone 500 years of no theatre D English Renaissance Rebirth and return to classics of Greece Rome 1 Well Known Theatres a The Swan Theatre had 3 levels thrust stage balcony and a tiring house b The Globe Theatre was Shakespeare s theatre and caught on fire during Henry the 8th c Blackfriars was indoors and in the city built by shakespeare s company 2 Elements of the Theatre a 3 levels of seating b Thrust Stage Overhand Balcony lords rooms Columns Tiring House backstage c Not Much Scenery stories told by words d Costumes Actors wore clothing of their own time no matter what setting e Audience was active interactive relationship they were poor rich did not attend the theatre ISMS NEOCLASSICISM ROMANTICISM NATURALISM AND REALISM after Shakespeare dies 3 Shakespeare was a lead playwright actor shareholder a Richard Burbage Famous Actor for Shakespeare 4 Where were they performed a Private Playhouses indoor pricey candlelit b Public Playhouses outdoor bare stage daylight A Neoclassicism boring 1 Rigid and rule based classic Greek 2 Unity of Time Place Action 3 Had tragedy about nobility B Romanticism 1 Consisted of revolutions which led to shifts in literature Les Miz opposite of neoclassicism 2 Went against the law and had ugly characters that were virtuous 3 Victor Hugo Hemani 4 Richard Wagner directed operas at the Beyreuth Opera house 5 Melodrama good is rewarded bad is punished involves middle class characters threats that resolve in a happy ending spectacle and C Realism Naturalism 1 Naturalism was brought up by Emily Zola who said that theatre should be a slice of life a The germs under the microscope b Not long lived boring and unsuccessful 2 Realism certain environment portrays stories of the middle class focused on the artist and asks what happens when someone of a certain heredity exists in a c Changed theatre by including voluminous stage decorations and detailed sets Influenced by Industrial Revolution urban poor slums photography and interest to see the real a Henrik Isbsen A Dolls House b Germs in a petri dish 3 4 Iconoclasts of 19th Century a Gregor Mendel Father of Genetics b Karl Marx Marxism Communism c Charles Darwin Origin of species survival of the fittest d Sigmund Freud unconscious superego e August Comte Father of Sociology 5 Reactions to Realism a Futurism was violent and aggressive short scenes b Expressionism featured motions Feelings Scream 1 2 Sense of angst suffering Inner beauty replacing outer beauty 1 Against Logic Chance Non sense 6 Surrealist a Artaud 1 Theatre is instrumental 2 Wanted to shock audience c DADA tionality does nothing and Hugo Ball pushing the boundaries of art involved intensity the idea that the world was nonsense the thought that all logic and ra 3 Catorsis intense emotional experience Get all the bad emotions out of you b Brecht was a German playwright and director who was against capitalism 1 Alienation effect create a distance between audience stage 2 Juxtapose odd elements placards that told you what was happening in the next scene break ing the 4th wall keeping the lights on 3 Theatre of cruelty WORLD THEATRE A Africa Theatre 1 Pre Colonial Rituals Ceremonies Enactments 2 Colonial Usually western playwrights supported by colonizing government a Theaters looked like those of mainland b Adaptations such as Zulu Macbeth c Purpose civilize native people and teach colonials language educate them 3 Post Colonial Building cultural identity outside of colonizers a Indigenous languages non western forms b Critiques of government c Wole Soyinka Nigerian Nobel Prize in Literature d Ngugi wa Thiong Kenyan writes local languages e Athol Fugard Public Critique of apartheid B Asian Theatre 1 Very in context historically remote has language barriers is geographically distant has social and cultural codes and has aesthetic value 2 Synthesis of many skills highly stylized many theatrical conventions not realistic 3 Bunraku is traditional puppet theatre a There is a chanter who recites all dialogue and narrates the story there is a musician that plays 3 stringed instruments called shamisen and there are puppets that are manipulated b Low wall that actors stand beyond and the chanter and narrator are stage left c Chikamatsu Shakespeare of Japan d Stage proscenium a Character Types 4 Jungju is the Bejing Opera that compromised of all male acting troupes and entertained the court 1 Sheng heroic male character Dan virtous female Jing painted face Chou clown char acter 5 Wayang Kulit comes from Indonesia and features oral tradition ritual origin and synthesis a Shadow

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