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Review the following broad definition of health care quality and answer the questions that follow Health care quality occurs when patients can access a continuum of appropriate care and service in a timely manner patients are educated and actively participate in the planning and delivery of their care and service clinical outcomes are achieved with excellence patients achieve their care goals and optimum quality of life patient satisfaction outcomes are delivered with human dignity and compassion staff satisfaction outcomes reflect pride of achievement and cost utilization outcomes demonstrate social responsibility 1 What are your thoughts on this definition of quality What do you like What do you dislike What would you change 2 What is included in this definition that is not found in many other definitions of health care quality What is not included in this definition of quality 3 Is this definition of health care quality realistic and feasible Explain your answer It makes me feel how important the patient would feel if all of these qualities occurred Patients should feel as though they are top priority when seeking health care We have goals in every aspect of our lives We strive to be the best in every situation When going to your health care organization you as the patient should feel confident about the doctors visit Employees of healthcare organizations should feel a sense of accomplishment when a patient leaves the office These are lives which are being dealt with on a daily basis and they or we entrust nurses and physicians to take care of us in our time of need to the best of their ability There is always room for improvement I know while doing my job I am always looking for ways to do it better faster and more efficient I want to make sure our vendors and customers are extremely happy with their transaction Going the extra distance to provide quality customer service is one of my top priorities I do believe this definition is realistic and feasible Whether or not the employees choose to carry these qualities is upon them It is really not hard putting others needs above your own especially if that is what you get paid to do When working in a health care organization you are committing yourself to providing for children middle aged elderly and your peers Some of these patients cannot care for themselves and they are dependent on you to aid them in their time of need The saying goes Treat others the way you would like to be treated when I was a candy striper in high school I loved my job I did not get paid for it but I still loved what I did Interacting with patients reading taking their order for breakfast lunch or dinner and just being there for them and showing them support love and respect was so rewarding to me Response 2 My thoughts of the definition quality means that the organizations provides the best service possible Working in a health care field you have to gain that patients trust and have a bond that makes them feel as though they can trust and believe in you Quality is what takes a company a long way and keeps the organization running efficiently If a company has excellent quality then there are no flaws and the organization has good manager and leadership skills The things I like about quality is the perfection it brings and how good it looks on the company There are really no dislikes I have about the quality in an organization is that there should less wait time I cannot stand when I have an appointment and they tell me to be there a certain time and I still have to wait 30 45 minutes in the wait room until I get to the back Once I get to the back I am still waiting 20 more minutes until he finally walks through the door I do believe that the definition of health care quality is realistic and feasible because you have to care for patients as if their are apart of your family and provide them with the best of care When patients come in for a visit or treatment they expect to recieve the best quality of care as in any other organization Patient safety confidentiality and services are extremely important int he health care field Everything about the health care is realistic and feasible it involves patient lives and their health The quality of a health facility has to come first because without good quality service health care professionals are not providing the best with the best need for their service

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