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o Levels of Communication INAG110 Midterm o Intrapersonal cognition or thought communicating with oneself o Interpersonal communication between individuals in pairs also called dyadic communication o Group three or more people interacting and hoping to influence one another to pursue a common goal o Public one person communicating face to face with an audience o Mass one person or group communicating to a large audience through some print or electronic medium o Models of Communication o Triangle o Circle o message feedback o Elements of Communication o Speaker the sender encoder or source of the message o Encoding the process of selecting symbols to carry a message o Message ideas communicated verbally and nonverbally o Listener the receiver or decoder of the message o Decoding the process of attaching meanings to symbols received o Feedback verbal and nonverbal responses between communications about the clarity or acceptability of messages o Channel the way a message is sent o Environment the occasion social context and physical setting for communication o Noise anything that distracts from effective communication o Physical noise distractions originating in the physical o Physiological noise distractions originating in the bodies of o Psychological noise distractions originating in the thoughts of environment communicators communicators o Critical thinking the logical reflective examination of information and ideas to determine what to believe or do o 5 Introductory Techniques o Personal story anecdote o Rhetorical question o Statistic o Quote o Surprise shocking statement o 4 Types of Speech o Impromptu speaking without advance preparation o Memorized delivering a speech that is recalled word for word from a written text o Manuscript delivering a speech from a text written word for word and practiced in advance o Extemporaneous delivering a speech from notes or from a memorized outline o 4 S s o Signpost the idea o State the idea o Support the idea o Summarize the idea o 3 P s o Prepare the audience o Prepare the speaker o Prepare yourself o WIIFM o What s In It For Me o Analyzing your Audience o Demographics characteristics of the audience such as age gender ethnicity education religion economic status and group membership o Audience segmentation the strategy of dividing an audience into various subgroups based on their demographic and psychographic profiles o Audience targeting the strategy of directing a speech primarily toward one or more portions of the entire audience o Levels of influence Values beliefs attitudes attitudes

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UMD INAG 110 - Midterm

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