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Exam 2 02 24 2012 Reform and Progressivism Part 2 1 Wilson and Reform a Underwood Act 1913 b Federal Reserve Act 1913 c Federal Trade Commission d Clayton Act 1914 2 Women and Progressivism a National American Women Suffrage Association b 19th Amendment 1920 3 Race and Progressivism a Plessy v Ferguson 1896 WWI Over there 1 Neutrality a America is neutral to begin the war because they didn t want to get involved in a European war i Blockades and Submarines 1 Because there was very little movement on land in this war because of trench warfare most fighting was on the seas 2 The Allied Powers blockade the Central Powers on the seas SO the US that was trading with both the Central and Allied Powers start to trade only with the Allied Powers 3 Because they are trading more with the Allies they become closer to them and their economies become more linked Also they want the Allies to win the war because if they lose America loses out on all of the money that they invested in to those economic links a Lusitania i The Germans and the other Central Powers decide to turn to submarine warfare and sea warfare because of the blockade They decide to sink any ships moving arms and goods They tell the neutral countries that if they go within certain boundaries they will sink them ii Woodrow Wilson says that if the Germans sink any nation s ship with an American onboard would be seen as an act of war against America iii The Germans sink the British ship the Lusitania killing 1200 people and around 120 American This was a cruise ship that was hold munitions onboard b Sussex pledge i This issue becomes relevant again when the French ship the Sussex was sunk while it was traveling and shipping munitions No Americans were killed in this incident but there were Americans harmed Wilson makes the Germans agree to warn innocents that they were about to attack to let civilians get out of danger ii The Germans agree but only if the British honors international trade law by blockading neutral trade from getting to Germany ii Election of 1916 1 Wilson s attempt to get involved into the war was to be diplomatic and sending diplomats to the countries to stop the war 2 Eventually Wilson gets the country ready for military growth and draws up plans to alter industry to support an American war 3 None of these plans are made public because a huge reason for him to stay in office was that he kept America out of the war 4 Wilson says that there should be a peace without victory in Europe So the Germans decide to take on Britain and America because they think America is underprepared though he was getting ready for war and was very ready iii Justice Charles Evan Hughes 1 He was running against Wilson and is the Supreme Court Justice iv Zimmermann Telegram 1 British intelligence intercepted a German telegram to the Mexican ambassador from Germany It said Try to get the Mexicans to declare war on America If they did they knew that America wouldn t send troops to Europe They said that if Mexico helped when the war was over Germany would give Mexico the land they lost to America in the 1840 s back a American enters the war in the summer of 1917 and the war ends in b 48 000 Americans die in the war from battle 56 000 American soldiers 2 Over There 1918 die from disease in the war 3 The Politics of Peace a The 14 Points i These were the conditions of peace The last of the 14 Points says that there should be a League of Nations to settle discrepancies i The only point that stays in with the treaty was his 14th point with the League Germany has to give land pay huge financial instead of having war b The Peace of Paris reparations c The League Fight i Henry Cabot Lodge 1 He and his group called the reservationists didn t like the League He didn t want international powers to have power over America They didn t want a world gov t ii William Borah 1 He and his group the irreconcilables were never going to favor any of the treaty 2 Because Wilson suffers a stroke and cant make America think that the current treaty is a positive thing So because it can t be signed and passed America cant claim peace 3 So Senate passes a bill that says the war is over but Wilson wont sign it War doesn t end till 1921 officially WWI Over Here 1 Managing the War a Council of National Defense i Combination of Cabinet members and corporate leaders This is one for the first times there is cooperation between the two ii This is weird because usually the gov t is there to limit business iii This allowed the gov t to give the companies raw materials man power etc b War Industries Board the business sector i This sector needs a lot of time to get everything perfectly set up for ii But because the war was so short for the US there wasn t enough time to totally utilize this process and board iii This was successful and becomes important to the US in WWII c Food Administration i This gov t administration was important for feeding the nation during war and for soldiers abroad ii Also this helps to feed the countries affected after the war when situations change so drastically iii Herbert Hoover was the Head of this and makes a name for himself and launches his political career later d Emergency Fleet Corporation i This was attempt to manage the shipping industry by the gov t ii This isn t a take over but this is the gov t trying to coordinate the companies to help the country most iii But these companies never wanted to give power to another company so this attempt failed at it s purpose e War Labor Board i Created to arbitrate disputes between management and the labor If there s a strike this could cripple the war effort ii The board is there like a union The workers could go to the board if there was a discrepancies between workers and their bosses iii This ended up being a huge benefit for the workers iv The bad thing is that this only lasts during the war after the war their wages go back home v This is the same for farmers They are making a lot of food for the whole world but after the war they aren t needed anymore so they are left with too much food This lowers the price of crops which is no good for the farmers vi The only people that continue to benefit are the corporate companies and their leaders 2 Americanism at War a 100 Americanism i This is bad for minorities Because of the war people are America Crazy So minorities and aliens in the country are discriminated …

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