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Psych 101 04 10 2014 The Nature of psychology Psychology scientific study of behavior and mind o Behavior o Mind Psychology s Scientific Approach Science o Systematically gathering and evaluating empirical evidence o Answers questions and tests beliefs about the natural world Empirical evidence evidence gained through experience and Critical thinking taking an active role in understanding the world observation Goals of Psychology Describe Explain Control Application Basic and Applied Research Basic Research knowledge for its own sake Applied Research solves specific practical problems Psychology s intellectual roots Mind Body Problem o Mind body dualism Mind is a spiritual entity Mind is not subject to physics laws o Monism Mind and body are the same Mind is not spiritually separate from the body Mind Body Interactions relationship between mental processes and the functioning of other bodily systems o Ex thinking of favorite food Hunger pangs Psychological level Biological level British Empiricism ideas and knowledge are gained through the senses o Observation is more valid than reason Advances in physiology and medicine Early school Structuralism Wilhelm Wundt first experimental psychology laboratory Structuralism analysis of basic elements o Introspection used to understand what was going on in the mind Functionalism functions of consciousness William James Modern day fields o Cognitive psychology o Evolutionary psychology Perspective on Behaviors Perspectives different ways of viewing people o Lenses for examination and interpretation of behavior o Influenced by philosophy medicine sociology anthropology etc Psychodynamic Perspective Causes of behavior are internal and unconscious Psychoanalysis internal and unconscious psychological forces o Sigmund Freud Free association expression of any thoughts that come to mind Defense mechanisms psychological techniques that help us cope with anxiety and pain o Repression primary defense mechanism Strong emphasis on childhood sexuality and aggressive in born Modern psychodynamic theory o Downplays importance of sexual and aggressive motives o Focuses on how unconscious processes affect behavior Early relationships with caregiver Behavioral Perspective The external environment governs our actions Origins o Law of Effect Thorndike when you get positive consequences of a behavior you are increasing chances that that behavior will occur o Tabula Rasa Locke we are born as a clean slate Behaviorism emphasizes environmental control of behavior through learning Only observable behavior should be studied Behavior is determined by o Prior learning experiences o Stimuli in current environment Behavior modification decreasing problem behaviors and increasing positive behaviors by manipulating environmental factors Cognitive Behaviorism learning experiences and the environment influence our thoughts o Our thoughts influence how we have Humanistic perspective Free will Personal growth Meaning of one s existence Believe that everyone has inborn desire to reach their full potential Cognitive perspective The nature of mind How mental process influence behavior Gestalt psychology the school of thought that examined how elements of experience are organized into wholes This field stimulated interest in cognitive topics such as perception and problem solving Modern cognitive perspective o Reasoning decisions making and brain imaging techniques o Examines brain activity while people engage in cognitive tasks Cognitive Neuroscience o Electrical recording and brain imaging techniques o Examines brain activity while people engage in cognitive tasks Sociocultural perspective How the social environment and cultural learning influence our behavior thoughts and feelings o Social psychology Culture values beliefs behaviors and traditions o Shared by large group of people o Passed from one generation to next Norms rules for acceptable behavior with a group o Sometimes just implicit not written down o unwritten rules of what s acceptable with our group socialization transmission internalization of culture Biological Perspective behavior How the brain processes and other bodily functions regulate Behavioral neuroscience physiological functions that underlie behavior sensory experiences emotions and thoughts o Neurotransmitters chemicals that allow nerve cells to communicate wit one another Psychodynamic Perspective Searches for the cause of behavior within the inner workings of the self and emphasize unconscious process Integrating the Perspective Biological Level o Brain function and hormones o Genetic factors shaped evolution Psychological Level o Thinking memory and attention o Desires values expectations personality characteristics o Conscious and unconscious influences Integrating the Perspective cont 04 10 2014 Environmental level o Stimuli in immediate physical and social environment o Previous life experience o Cultural norms and socialization processes o Influence of one factor depends on the presence of another Interaction factor Major themes Psychology relies on systematic empiricism Our personal experience of the world is subjective Behaviors is determined by multiple casual factors Behavior means of adapting to environmental demands Behavior and mental processes are affected by our social and cultural environments Ethics in psychological research Ethics a set of standards that govern the conduct of a professor Humans referred to as participants animals referred to as subjects Blended theory that incorporates both cognitive theory and Cognitive behaviorism behaviorism APA Code of Ethics 5 general principles 1 Beneficence and non malfeasance Minimize harm maximize benefit prevent injury 2 Fidelity and responsibility Responsibility to society Highest standards of professional behavior 3 Integrity 4 Justice Be fair to everyone Reduce bias 5 Respect for peoples right and dignity Safeguard the welfare of participants Informed consent study s purpose and procedure to decide if they wish to participate o Voluntary participation Deception Participants not told all the details of the study at the onset or might be misled about procedures or purpose o Only if justified and equally effective alternative not available o Deception must be explained to participants Debriefing experimenter answers any questions and informs participants of the purpose of the study o Dehoaxing reveal purpose of study o Desensitizing decrease stress and negative feelings that might have

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UW PSYCH 101 - Psychology

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