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Lecture 1 The Origins of Rome I Early People of Italy Rome Phoenician Good ship builders traders of copper and tin made the alphabet lived in the top part of Africa Greeks Stayed on the outer side of Italy traders they took with them their culture to Italy Celtics Southern Gaul s Travelers that followed herds ferocious battlers only group that went into the middle or central part of the Italian peninsula not looking for wealth A Indo European 1 Oscans European language 2 Umbrians European language Lived in the inner part of the Italian Peninsula Spoke Indo Lived in the inner part of the Italian Peninsula Spoke Indo 3 Latins Lived in the inner part of the Italian Peninsula Not a great civilization at the beginning clan based system Spoke Indo European language and Latin B Non Indo European 1 Etruscans Used a unique language that was not alphabet based used like hieroglyphic it is a dominate civilization in the inner part of Italy for many years we don t know where they came from or where there language came from the 12 cities that made up Etruscan were built on an older civilization of the Villanovan society vary advanced and influenced Rome power house Etruscan s Society 12 kings each city had its own king Each city met once a year to discuss war plans like to fight other parts of Italy and each other King had control over everything and was the most important person in their cities They didn t work well with each other even though they all belonged to a big community had noble men had rights and rules had high rank officials aristocracies Lived in a highly rich mineral area Salt advanced because later on had judges and elected kings and also developed the tunnel method of draining which made lands more fertile and farming easier Made the first boundary line tool for properties which made it able to tell what was theirs and what was not The fault for the tool was that it couldn t be used to make curves II Founding of Rome Four Stage Process 1 2 3 4 900 800 BC Small villages start to grow faster someone showed up in Rome and started the formation of it and Clan based cities start working together with each other 800 750 BC The first permanent buildings start to appear Acceleration of building and growth 750 625 BC More permanent buildings appear written language appears on stone fortification appear around the city altars to roman gods appear 625 575 BC More expansion appears Etruscans take over new kings appear and new wealth comes in Tarquin the Proud name for the king the Etruscans were kicked out by the Roman people lead by Brutus the Stupid III Founding of the Republic A Overthrow of the Etruscan Kings The Roman people rebelled and kick out Tarquin the Proud the rebellion was led by Brutus the Proud B Myth of Internal Uprisings Started to show how the people could control the leaders and to show how a foreign army could take over But they also wanted to burry this because they didn t want to show that Rome could be taken over by soldiers C Magistrates and Assemblies 1 Patricians clavier and official The old and powerful people in Rome smallest group army 2 Plebeians The largest socialite group free group and could own land infantry solider most didn t own land worked for patricians couldn t hold offices were the backbone of the Rome Republic they were the workforce and Rome couldn t survive without them forbidden to knowing the law but were held accountable for breaking the law group got one advisor for every 100 people and Patricians had control over the Assembly because they had the power and money to control the plebeians known for deadlock because no one could agree on anything The first of Rome and its name is Assembly of 100 every 3 The Assembly 4 The Senate few delegates only patricians could hold seats had two purposes to advise the Tarquin kings and select the new king from the subsection line 300 senators appointed by Praetors 5 Praetors was the highest officials in Roman world lead the armies judges of the land two men that had power over the senate and could veto them and each other they would appointed the senators had final say on anything the senate couldn t decide on 6 King of Sacrifices had no power just a figure head was there to be a priest IV Plebeian Revolution around 400 s BC Conflict of Orders A Sacred Band A union that comes together and swears that they will protect each other but will not attack outside forces Patricians didn t take the Plebeians seriously after many wars Rome is bleeding and hurt so when the surrounding countries push in the Scared Band tells the Plebeians to put down their weapons and they did this scares Patricians and the Plebeians says they want a few things or they won t fight 1 Council of Plebs 2 Tribunes leaders 3 Twelve Tables the Patricians agree to everything so they would go back to fighting the invaders B Council of Plebs run through this assembly and created new leader positions named Tribunes setup to mirror the stentorian assembly everything now has to C Tribunes only ones that could call the assembly had veto power over senate had powers to try Plebeians and only they could had control over everything basically D The Twelve Tables laws that were agreed on by both groups after the wars were over it covered everything that went on in Roman culture first law was that everyone had to memorize the whole table and could challenge at any time a person on the memorization that way everyone would know the law and not just the higher ups Everything stops in the 390 BC this is because they were invaded by the Gauls the last time Rome would be sacked for 1 000 years after they left the Plebeians demanded more after that and the Patricians said no because that didn t stop them from being sacked by the Gauls the Plebeians after get more power and they now can own land also debt relief was put into place because Plebeians didn t think they should have to pay back Patricians after they just lost against the Gauls The Republic grows during this period and now it knocks heads with surrounding countries but they face the Latin League Key Words Etruscan Tarquin Kings The Senate Plebeians Patricians Council of Plebs King of Sacrafices Plebeian Revolution Sacred Band Twelve Tables Oscans Latins Venetians Etruscans Tribunes Romulus and Remus Lecture 2 The Rise of the Roman Republic I The Latin League and Rome The Latin League were countries that grouped together worked together with each if one part of the league was attacked then all

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