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Learning Objectives Invertebrates Chapter 33 Most Recent Hypothesis About Animal Phylogeny fig 32 11 Water movement through a sponge would follow what path Pore spongocoel osculum Which of the following animals is responsible for more lethal attacks on humans each year Cubozoans How many planes through the cecntral axis will divide an organism with radial symmetry into roughly equal halves Many Concept 33 1 Sponges are basal animals that lack true tissues Porifera Phyla Calcarea and Silicea Live in both fresh and marine waters Lack true tissues and organs Asymmetrical body no distinctive shape to it Sponges Sponges are suspension feeders Filter water passing through their bodies fig 33 4 From a diagram identify the parts of a sponge including the spongocoel porocyte epidermis choanocyte mesohyl amoebocyte osculum and spicules and describe the function of each Concept 33 2 Cnidarians are an ancient phylum of eumetazoans Cnidarians A wide range of sessile and floating forms including jellyfish corals and hydras Simple diploblastic radial body plan Body plan is a sac with a central gastrovascular cavity Single opening serves as both mouth and anus Mesoglea layer between epidermis and endodermis gastrodermis Cnidarian Body Plans Polyp form is generally sessile Medusa form moves freely in water by passive drifting and contractions of the bell fig 33 5 Defining Feature of Cnidarians Cnidocytes Unique cells that function in defense and the capture of prey Stimulus causes the cell to evert releasing thread Some cnidocytes sting others just entangle prey fig 33 6 Cnidarian Diversity Fig 33 7 List the characteristics of the phylum Cnidaria that distinguish it from the other animal phyla Describe the specialized cells that are found in Cnidarians Describe the two basic body plans in Cnidaria and their role in Cnidarian life cycles List the four classes of Cnidaria Concept 33 3 Lophotrochozoans a clade identified by molecular data have the widest range of animal body forms fig 33 2 Flatworms Phylum Platyhelminthes Triploblastic development but acoelomate Light sensitive eyespots Centralized nerve net w anterior ganglia Gastrovascular cavity w 2 way pharynx Class Turbellaria Have fig 33 9 fig 33 10 Class Trematoda fig 33 11 Tapeworms Class Cestoda Scolex attaches to the host Proglottid are the reproductive structures Break off after fertilization fig 33 12 Rotifers Phylum Rotifera Alimentary canal w separate mouth and anus Pseudocoelomate Reproduce by parthenogenesis fig 33 13 Distinguish between o Diploblastic and triploblastic development o Acoelomates pseudocoelomates and coelomates o Gastrovascular cavity and alimentary canal o Protostome and deuterostome List the characteristics of the phylum Platyhelminthes and give examples of each Describe unique features of Rotifers that distinguish them from other pseudocoelomates Define parthenogenesis and describe asexual forms of rotifer reproduction List the characteristics that distinguish the phylum Mollusca from the other animal phyla Describe the basic body plan of a mollusk and explain how it has been modified in the Bivalvia Cephalopodia Gastropoda and Polyplacophora List the characteristics that distinguish the phylum Annelida from other animal phyla Distinguish among the three classes of Annelida and give examples of each Concept 33 4 Ecdysozoans are the most species rich animal group List the characteristics of arthropods that distinguish them from the other animal phyla Distinguish between hemocoel and coelom Define and distinguish between the major arthropod lines of evolution represented by o Cheliceriformes o Hexapoda o Crustacea o Myriapoda Concept 33 5 Echinoderms and chordates are deuterostomes List the characteristics of echinoderms that distinguish them from other animal phyla Distinguish among the six classes of echinoderms and give examples of each Secondary xylem is formed in association with the Inner face of the vascular cambium Which of the following traits is not characteristic of parenchyma cells Dead at maturity Chapter 35 Plant Structure Growth and Development Result of Secondary Growth Heartwood older layers of secondary xylem no longer transport water Often clogged with resins Sapwood younger layers of xylem still transports water fig 35 22 Bark Bark Cork cambium Lenticels fig 35 22 all the tissues external to the vascular cambium Includes secondary phloem and periderm gives rise to the secondary lant body s protective covering or periderm Areas in the periderm where gas exchange with the outside air can occur Concept 35 1 The plant body has a hierarchy of organs tissues and cells Explain the phenomenon of apical dominance List the basic functions of roots Describe root hairs Describe and compare the three basic organs of vascular plants Describe the basic structure of plant stems Describe the structure and function of five types of modified roots Describe the structure and functions of four types of modified stems Describe the structure and function of five types of modified leaves Describe the three tissue systems that make up plant organs Describe and distinguish between the five basic cell types in plants Explain the functional relationship between a sieve tube member and its companion cell Concept 35 2 Meristems generate cells for new organs Distinguish between the primary and secondary plant body Concept 35 3 Primary growth lengthens roots and shoots Describe in detail the primary growth of the tissues of roots and shoots Concept 35 4 Secondary growth adds girth to stems and roots in woody plants Describe in detail the secondary growth of the tissues of roots and shoots Name the cells that make up the tissue known as wood Name the tissues that comprise the bark Chapter Learning Objectives Chapter 36 Resource Acquisition and Transport in Vascular Plants What powers a proton pump ATP hydrolysis The value for Psi in root tissue was found to be 0 15MPa If you take the root tissue and place it in a 0 1M sucrose solution Psi 0 23 net water flow would Be from the tissue to the sucrose solution If Psi p 0 3MPa and Psi s 0 45MPa the resulting Psi is Which of the following traits is characteristics of collenchyma cells High numbers in young stems How does water make it from the soil to the leaves in tall trees during the day Pulled up from the leaves Which of the following could not be used in a description of the Casparian strip 1 Waxy 2 Endodermis 3 Permeable 4 Waterproof fig 36 2 Which of the following does not

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