Defining Communication 05 03 2014 20 24 00 Objectives Issues involved with defining communication Why is it important to define communication Define communication The process of communication Communication contexts Issues in defining communication must communication Be intentional o Watziawick Beavin Jackson 1967 Have correspondence o Does the message sent have to equal the message received o Does the receiver interpret the message the way that it was Be successful meant to be interpreted Be ethical Honest Include symbolic actions o Codified commonly used Words nonverbal nodding head yes Not codified shrugging your shoulders a touch Include cognition thought perception o Is it enough to be considered communication Should it only be between humans Communication a process in which individuals use symbols to establish and interpret meaning in their environment Models of Communication Linear o Example watching a movie o Noise anything that interferes with sending and receiving messages Physical external anything external to sender and receiver that may interfere with communication process Ex thunder while people are talking Semantic has to do with the meaning of the word Ex person A speaks French person B speaks German Psychological any bias predispositions Ex first of all someone talking at me Physiological something happening with your body Ex pain tired hunger Interactive circular o Example political debate o Field of experience used to interpret messages gender age religion etc Has to be some overlapping experience The more overlapping we have the better we can understand one another Transactional Intrapersonal Interpersonal Contexts of Communication Small group Organizational Public rhetorical Mass mediated Intercultural Health Intrapersonal communication with oneself Goes on inside your head even when you are with someone else Allows people to make attributions about themselves Interpersonal face to face communication Interacting in relationships allows the communicator to maximize the number of channels visual auditory tactile olfactory used during interaction Small group communication with a group of people Synergy the exchange of multiple perspectives Networks communication patterns through which information flows Organizational communication within and among large and extended environments audience mediated forms Hierarchy principle vice principle secretary treasurer Public rhetorical communication to a large group of listeners Mass media communication to a very large audience through Mass media the channels or delivery modes for mass messages Mass communication communication to large audiences through one of these channels New media computer related technology Intercultural communication between and among members of different cultures 05 03 2014 20 24 00 05 03 2014 20 24 00
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