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HME4221 Exam 1 Study Guide Chapter 1 Management Today What is family resource management Choice the act of selecting among alternatives o When we choose we rely on what we have or what we can most easily access Risk possibility or perception of harm suffering danger or loss A basic principle in management is that where there is risk there is opportunity Stephen Covey Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Our basic nature is to act and not be acted upon As well as enabling us to choose our response to particular circumstances this empowers us to create circumstances Daniel Gilbert Stumbling on Happiness money doesn t make people happy but rather what they do with that money experiences more so than goods ex travel instead of new car Worldwide trend populations become increasingly urban and mobile o Average US age is 36 4 years and rising Management the process of using resources to achieve goals o Includes both thought knowledge management and action o Considered an applied social science Management process involves thinking action and results Identify problem Identify resources 1 2 Clarify values 3 4 Decide plan and implement 5 Accomplish goals and evaluate 6 Feedback Problems 1 questions dilemmas or situations that require solving Needs 1 what we need to survive or sustain life Wants 1 things that we desire but are not necessary for survival Goals 1 end results that require action for their fulfillment Values 2 principles that guide behavior Clarification 2 to make clear easier to understand to elaborate Resources 3 whatever is available to be used ex info time skills energy money Standards 3 the quantitative qualitative criteria that reconcile resources with demands may have to be adjusted during management process dynamic Decision making 4 choosing between two or more alternatives Planning 4 requires making a series of decisions that lead to action gives focus and direction to the pursuit of wants needs goals Implementing 4 putting plans in action Management tools measuring devices techniques or instruments that are used to arrive at decisions and plans of action Factors influencing management style o History o Biology dictates basic physiological needs o Culture provides a systematic way to fulfill needs o Personality o Technology applies methods and materials to the achievement of objective Maslow s hierarchy of needs o Physiological needs food water must be met before higher order needs safety love Self actualization Esteem Belongingness and love Safety Physiological needs o Self actualization fulfillment of one s highest potential Lifestyle the characteristic way or pattern in which an individual conducts his her life Interdisciplinary influences on study of resource management anthropology psychology sociology economics Life Management all the decisions a person family will make and the way values goals and resource use affect decision making Self monitor to assess or alter actions language and reactions according to those around them Second Half of Life by age 50 even more women than are reporting turbulent midlife transition People having generally begun to delay marriage and childbirth to a later age than 50 years ago Aging in place refers to the phenomenon of people staying where they were brought up or spent their working years Cohabitation contributes to the rising number of nonfamily households Lamanna and Riedmann the family involves relationships in which people usually related by ancestry marriage or adoption o Form an economic unit and care for any young o Consider their identity to be significantly attached to the group o Commit to maintaining that group over time Family as defined by Census Bureau refers to a group of two or more persons related by birth marriage or adoption and residing together in a household Householder person in whose name the house is owned or rented Number of single adults in US is growing and households and families have fewer people on average Chapter 2 Management History and Theories Benjamin Franklin Time is money First textbook to mention management in the title was First Principles of Household Management and Cookery Maria Parloa 1879 Ellen H Richards American chemist founder of home economics movement credited with forming the bridge between scientific analysis and household management through guiding discussions at Lake Placid Conferences Lillian Gilbreth and Christine Frederick toured US and Europe spreading word about new scientific methods of efficient home management and household production Frederick Taylor father of scientific management famous for time and motion studies proposed principles to maximize production efficiency Work simplification improved work methods applied to the home Carole Vickers four principal eras of family home management 1 2 3 4 1900 1930s Health sanitation hygiene and the importance of household production as a legitimate form of economic production 1940s early 1950 s Household equipment efficiency step saving task simplification and standardized work units 1950 s 1960 s family values goals optimization of families gradual swing aways from work performance in the home 1970 s 1980 s development of a systems framework emphasizing the interconnections among family home and the greater society Theory an organized system of ideas or beliefs that can be measured a system of assumptions or principles Hypothesis prediction about future occurrences Controlling the things people do to check their course of action Systems theory emphasizes not only interconnectedness but also interactions among different systems focuses on the behavior of feedback and its complexity the whole is better than the sum of its parts System and integrated set of parts that function together for some end purpose or result Interface the place or point where independent systems or diverse groups interact Boundaries the limits or borders between systems Morphogenic systems adaptive to change and are relatively open Morphostatic systems resistant to change stable and relatively closed Subsystem a part of a larger system Inputs whatever is brought into a system Throughput the processing of inputs Transformation transition from one system to another Outputs end results or products leftovers and waste Demands events or goals that require action for their fulfillment Sequencing occurs when one things follows another Sharpe and Winter hypothesized that effective management leads to satisfactory outcomes but that there are many potential

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