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Chapter One and Two Defining Communication Issues in Defining Communication Must Communication Be Intentional o Watzlawick Beavin and Jackson 1967 One cannot not communicate all human behavior is communication o Intentionality is not necessary as long as meaning is extracted from a message then communication has taken place o Beavin when we are in the presence of other people nonverbal element some behavior is communication we do communicate at some level NOT all behavior is communication o Debate unintentional vs intentional Issue has been debated the most Have Correspondence o Does the message sent have to equal the message receive To what extent It will never be exact but we need some overlap o Some say yes some say no Be Successful o Does Benny have to persuade people Do people have to meet their goals o Success and Intentionality Interconnected o Some say yes some say no Be Ethical Honest o Issue Whether communication scholars should only study ethical and honest behaviors OR Whether communication scholars should only study unethical or dishonest behaviors Hitler Communicative and Powerful BUT Unethical Should scholars be able to study this unethical behavior Some people believe this study is an ethical issue Include Symbolic Actions o Whether or not communication should only include symbolic actions words and nonverbal behaviors that have commonly understood meaning Or should we also consider physiological symptoms stomach growling Physiological Symptoms most communication scholars do not believe this is communication Include Cognition Thought Perception o Whether not communication is cognition thought and perception Intrapersonal communication internal communication with oneself Is communication different from cognition thought and perception If the same why do not go to social psychology Communication INCLUDES cognition thought and perception one must consider Be Human to Human o The Dog Issue only study human to human communication or consider o We only study human to human communication does not include communication with animals communicating with your dog We are still arguing about all of these issues pick a definition of communication that meets our needs and then be consistent with that definition For each theory go back to issues in defining communication and relate to a topic on the list above Why is it important to define communication To give credibility to our field and to our major to give credibility to the academic discipline which is communication o Gives us a focus to what we are studying o Gives us credibility when we stand up and say how communication is different from other majors Class Definition of Communication A process in which individuals use symbols to establish and interpret meaning in their environment o Symbols non verbal symbols verbal language symbols o Meaning Interpretation whatever meaning we get from a message that is actually when communication takes place o Individual people o Process implies communication is continuous and has more than one part and goes through stages complex o Establish meaning we interpret and create Models of Communication Communication scholars all agree on the process of communication MODELS Linear Refer to slides for chart o Interpersonal process o One way model of communication o Shannon and Weaver credited for this model Conceptualization 1940s and 1950s o Sender person who has pure ideas thoughts and feelings that he or she wants to communicate originates the message Encodes the message encode creation of the message transfer of thoughts into words labeling thoughts with symbols and organizing Message meaning that we are trying to get across Channel the mode of transportation the way we get our message them in some way Speaking across Writing Nonverbal Physical action We use our five senses to send to messages Hear messages language See messages advertisements art Facebook the use of nonverbal symbols Touch give someone a hug could be ambiguous receive those messages through the sense of touch Smell perfume industry based on communicating through smell intentionality someone who smells good or someone that smells bad the food Taste cook for someone who you like and put a lot of salt in Decode interpreting those symbols and the meaning that the sender is trying to get across to you figuring it out what it means Noise anything that interferes with the sending and receiving of messages Physical external anything external to the sender and receiver that could interfere with the sending of receiving of messages distraction radio Examples cars and trucks driving by television visual Semantic technical jargon slang dialect apartment vs a flat if we do not share a language system it would be hard for one to communicate Psychological own thoughts anger could prevent you from decoding the message preconceived notion about the sender racism sexism religious ism cognitive dissonance smoker who see non smoking ads Physiological internal physical pain disability what is going on with the body hungry sick interfere with sending and receiving of messages o The focus was on public speaking focus was on creation of these speeches and sending them out to the audience Interactional o Interactive o Similar to Linear Sender Encodes Channel Receiver Decodes Noise could o ADDS Feedback o Feedback response to the message lets the sender know the meaning that come in and interfere the receiver interpreted o The sender and the receiver switch roles two way model of communication o Stop Start Oriented sender starts the process sends message to receiver and then stops then the receiver encodes the messages and sends a message back Same message and trying to get closer to the actual meaning This process can happen over and over again Example texting email debate anything that is STRUCTURED and no one is allowed to respond until there is a stopping point o Channel must be some overlap of field of experience in order for understanding to take place some cases the only overlap we have is our language system Everything that you are and every experience that you have until this point is your FIELD OF EXPERIENCE bring that with you to a communications situation Transactional o Interpersonal process o The arrow are going both ways channels simultaneously communicating sending and receiving BECAUSE of NONVERBAL CUES The sender and receiver become blurred Idea that both parties are responsible for the creation of meaning sender and receiver

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UMD COMM 250 - Chapter One and Two—Defining Communication

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