Coordinated Management of Meaning CMM Rules approach according to the Humanist How do individuals establish rules in creating interpreting meaning a Cronen Pearce and Harris 1982 1 History 2 Goals a To explain how people co create meaning in conversation i What happens in conversations as a result of people following the rules ii What happens when different rules meet 3 Explanation a People use rules to create interpret meaning b Different rules produce different meanings c Meaning is constantly being coordinated 4 Assumptions a People Create Systems of Meaning i Meaning can be organized hierarchally or temporally 1 Hierarchy of Meaning a Content The conversion of raw data into meaning b Speech Acts Actions we perform verbally or nonverbally i Promises threats insults compliments c Contract Relationship you have with the person you are in conversation with d Episodes Interpret speech acts communication routines that have a definable beginning middle and end Begin to see influence of context on meaning i Punctuation How individuals interpret or emphasize an episode e Life Scripts Fields of experience that create our meanings f Cultural Patterns Different cultural patterns affect the way you perceive meaning b People Co create A Social Reality c Behavior is Uninterpretable Except in Context of a Larger System i Personal Meaning Meaning we ourselves bring into a situation ii Interpersonal Meaning Meaning that we create together 5 Coordination of Meaning a Exists when people attempt to make sense of messages in conversation i Three Possible Outcomes 1 Full Correspondence 2 Partial Correspondence 3 No Correspondence b Coordination Depends On i Sense of Morality Our ethics ii Available Resources Stories symbols images that people use to make sense of their world 1 Can also include our perceptions Memories other concepts that help people make sense of their social realities iii Following Rules Descriptions about how to process information 1 Provides common symbolic framework for communication 2 Provides opportunity for choice 3 Two Types of Rules a Constitutive Definitions about how messages should be interpreted within a b Regulative Guidelines for social behavior given context 6 Research a Intercultural Communication b Interpersonal Relationships c Families d Organizations e Therapeutic Situations system 7 Evaluation Criticisms a Too Broad b Inconsistent CMM says we create a unique language system but critics say that we share a language
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