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Anth 145 Spring 2022 Recitation 1 Reading Assignment 5 points total Instructions Read the Chapters 5 6 and 7 of The Dobe Ju hoansi by Richard Lee Then consider and write brief responses to the following questions To receive full participation credit for recitation you will need to turn in your responses as well as participate in the discussion during Rec Sec which will be based on this reading assignment You should also consider this assignment as preparation for your exam We ask that you bring a hard copy of your responses to recitation as well as upload a copy to the assignments tab of your Sakai Recitation Section page Due Date Submit on Sakai before the start of your section Lee Chapter 5 1 Why kinship is so important for Ju hoansi society Give two examples of the functions that kinship serves in their society Kinship provides the society with a clear order of who is related to who It helps the society understand who is an elder and who is young It also creates the different communities seen throughout the area The communities are made by webs of people who are all tied to the core in some form of a relationship The names also have an important effect on marriages You can t marry someone with the same name as your mother or sister as a boy or father or brother as a girl You also can t marry and of your first or second cousins or core relatives Lee Chapter 6 2 How do marriage practices among the Ju hoansi strengthen community connections and sometimes cause conflict between families or individuals Marriage practices in the Ju strengthen the communities because they can become unions between different groups in the area The marriages created alliances with other families which provide social security Marriages can cause conflict in multiple ways The potential wives can throw fits causing the marriage to be called off If two men feel they have the same right to a woman a fight can break out even leading to homicide Women were married young in the Nyae Nyae area to help promote safe marriages 3 In your opinion do women in Ju hoansi society enjoy more freedom and gender equality than women in contemporary US society Give an example supporting your position I feel that the Ju women would enjoy freedom however they don t understand the concept of it The Ju women are proud of their duties in the society such as marriage and providing for the family with their husbands They do not have the option to choose their husbands and their jobs as the women in America do On page 89 The woman was happy to arrange 1 her 4 year old daughters marriage with Lee and she said that her daughter would happily take care of him Lee Chapter 7 4 What are the mechanisms that Ju hoansi people use to maintain peace There is rarely conflict over land for the Ju because if someone pays a visit to your land in one season then you will pay a visit to theirs in another season The Ju try talking out their issues before leading to violence They share evenly and remain humble If someone does not act accordingly they punish the person to become part of the equal society No person is above another as there is no hierarchy 5 Do you think Ju hoansi society is less violent than contemporary US society I do think that they are less violent than the US There a considerably less people living in the society and over many years only few participate in violent activities 2

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UNC-Chapel Hill ANTH 145 - Recitation #1, Reading Assignment

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