MBTI TEAM PROFILE GROUP 8 PERSONALITY PROFILE SUMMARY Dulce Contreras ESTJ Guillermo Esparza ENTJ Elisa Hernandez ISTJ Cullen King ENFP Saber Maghsoudikhah ENTJ Kelvin Muse INFJ Noel Regi ENFP Sonia Rivera ESTJ TEAM PROFILE ENTJ Extraversion 6 Introversion 2 Sensing 3 Intuition 5 Thinking 5 Feeling 3 Judging 6 Perceiving 2 BASED ON OUR TEAM PROFILE WE ARE ORGANIZED AND MINDFUL WITH OUR TIME WE ARE PROACTIVE IN OBTAINING INFORMATION TO STRATEGIZE AND MAKE DECISIONS TEAM CHARACTERISTICS PREFERE NCES Time oriented and specific Logical and thoughtful with decisions Organized to formulate a plan Useful on gathering and using information Leaders by nature they are charismatic and confident Proactive Love working with others towards a goal Utilizing effective strategies STRENGTHS E Extrovertist possess the quality of being outgoing and can engage with others easily This is very useful because they can form relationships quickly and with ease they are also very charismatic and conversate comfortably with strangers Being confident and determined is another strength of an introvert these characteristics combined with the sociable strengths make an extrovert very useful in business environments when a relationship must be established or pursued further N Intuition in the workplace allows you to know when something isn t right A critical component of business is understanding risk The ability to follow your gut when it tells you to stay away from something is priceless T Thinking The letter T is the third letter in our MBTI scores This letter represents the way we make decisions about the world Being a thinker means that you make decisions objectively and are convinced by rational arguments In other words thinkers make decisions using logical analysis and objectively weighing the pros and cons An advantage that thinkers have is that they have facts to back up their arguments or decisions J Judging considers how we interact with the outside world This preference can determine how we live our daily lives by whether we are organized and if we have a structured approach when solving problems This is an important attribute to be sure we will know where to start This is a strength for our team as we can formulate a plan to work with each other to streamline project contributions WEAKNESSES E The letter E represents Extrovert Extroverts tend to speak before thinking and I believe that this can lead them to make emotionless judgements They may come across as harsh and aggressive They may be inconsiderate to others without realizing it The letter N represents intuition People that are intuitive tend to overthink and get bogged down Over analyzation tends to lead to being stagnant In addition to that change may be hard to conjure for an N personality type As an intuitive person you may try to find meaning in most things that you do but if you re comfortable in one place your job for example you will not seek out the necessary change that you are striving for and will not grow per se Thinking is an incredible ability that allows Humans to distinguish ourselves from animals however are we simply going to rely on the rational way that we all fall back on to make decisions Making choices with a rational and objective form is a reasonable option however emotional value is overshadowed If you have done everything that would lead to a certain interaction being a weighted business relationship but forget to make the interaction a personal connection between the parties you have superficiality The letter J stands for Judgers Some Judgers may be finicky or obsessively punctual and some may be messy or scatterbrained yet all Judgers focus on plotting a course and following it through OVERCOMING WEAKNESS ENTJ enjoy long term and goal setting Which means they can lead themselves and others true long process and organize team to achieve their goal It is important for someone with an N personality to create systems that work for them Meaning this type of person must find something to relax simply put Taking a step back and putting work down and meditating can help this could help with sensory overload Mostly intuitive persons must find ways to prevent burnout Thinking and working too hard or nonstop can fluster a person T types need to work on their single straight line focus of work that leads to overthinking To combat the aggressive nature of focus that the T type use to make decisions you could implement a strategy such as looking at the project or making sure that you are not simply focusing on a minor aspect of your current project ENTJ s can ignore what others have to say and they can overcome this weakness by using their intelligence to stop and listen and then come to conclusions WORKING TOGETHER I believe that our team is going to work well together because we have the letter J meaning that we are time oriented and organized Our team is going to work together very well since we have the advantage of being overall extrovert which helps with communication Discussing everyone s ideas is very important which is where intuition comes in Intuitivists prefer to look at the bigger picture which means that all opinions are relevant to decision making Being thinkers and judgers means that instead of relying on emotions as a team we will make logical decisions while staying organized Our overall profile is very useful when working in a team and I believe we will easily be able to work together and complete the assignment We will work together well since we are able to make decisions as a team and when we are not sure everyone contributes ideas to roundtable which idea is the best Team 8 will strive amongst other teams because of our go get it attitude to get our tasks complete and complete it to perfection From simply arranging times to doing our individual tasks team 8 will use every resource possible to produce the best response or most accurate answer we can
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