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Guided reading questions GRQ 10 Muscular System I Learning Objectives 59 Compare the structure and function of skeletal muscle cardiac muscle and smooth muscle tissue 60 Describe the structure and organization of skeletal muscle tissue and how it correlates to movement 61 Describe the structural features of a skeletal muscle fiber 62 Describe the sliding filament theory mechanism of muscle contraction 63 Compare and contrast the events that take place during skeletal muscle contraction and relaxation 64 Predict the roles of Ca2 and ATP at mediating muscle contraction and relaxation Read Modules 4 4 9 1 10 1 10 2 10 4 Do not hesitate to use the web when a question is not specifically addressed in the textbook Q1 Compare and contrast striated and smooth muscle cells by filling out the table below CHARACTERISTIC Presence of myofibrils Single or multinucleated Presence of gap junctions Surrounded by endomysium Voluntary or involuntary control STRIATED SMOOTH Q2 Define the following features of skeletal muscle tissue in 1 2 sentences and in your own words Muscle fiber Endomysium Fasicle Perimysium Epimysium Fascia Tendon Skip the following sub sections in Module 9 1 Fascicle patterns and muscle shapes Naming Muscles Studying Muscles Q3 Define the following terms related to the function of skeletal muscle in 1 2 sentences and in your own words Action Agonist Antagonist Synergist Fixator Origin Insertion Q4 Describe the structure of the following lever systems This should include the location of four components of a lever lever load force and fulcrum Type 1 Lever Type 2 Lever Type 3 Lever Q5 Describe the five properties of a muscle cell in your own words and in 1 2 sentences 1 2 3 4 5 Q6 Describe the following structural features of a muscle cell in 1 2 sentences and in your own words Sarcoplasm Sarcolemma Myofibrils Sarcoplasmic reticulum SR Transverse tubules T tubules Terminal cisternae Triad Myofilaments Thick filaments Thin filaments Elastic filaments Sarcomere Q7 Differentiate between the three types of thin filaments by describing in 1 sentence and in your own words the difference between the following Actin Tropomyosin Troponin Q8 Describe the organization of a sarcomere by identifying the following features in 1 2 sentences and in your own words hint refer to Study Boost in Module 10 2 A band H zone M line I band Z disc Q9 Compare and contrast how the following components of a sarcomere change in a relaxed vs contracted muscle fiber STRUCTURAL FEATURE RELAXED CONTRACTED I band H band A band Z disc M line Q10 True False Explain Muscle cells are capable of propagating an action potential Q11 What is the resting membrane potential of a muscle cell Q12 True False Explain Motor neurons stimulate skeletal muscle cells via acetylcholine Q13 True False Explain An action potential that is propagated in a skeletal muscle cell opens calcium channels located in the sarcolemma Q14 True False Explain Elevated cytosolic calcium is associated with skeletal muscle contraction while reduced cytosolic calcium is associated with skeletal muscle relaxation Q15 True False Explain ATP is hydrolyzed by troponin to expose the active site of actin allowing myosin to bind during muscle contraction

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UNC-Chapel Hill BIOL 252 - Muscular System I

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