GSU NUTR 3100 - Food Label Assignment

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Nutrition 3100 Food Label Assignment Using what you have learned about nutrition labels label claims and macronutrient calorie calculations please answer the questions below Each question is worth 7 points for a total of 70 points 1 What is the serving size a Cup which is about 53 g or 1 9oz 2 How many servings are in the entire container a There are approximately 11 serving sizes within the container 3 How many calories would you consume if you consumed 2 5 servings of this product 4 How many grams of total fat are in each serving 5 In ONE serving what percent of total calories comes from fat 6 In TWO servings how many calories are provided by protein 7 In THREE servings how many calories are provided by carbohydrate 8 Would a serving of this product be considered a low sodium food Refer to table 2 6 in the book or lecture to explain your answer 9 Who regulates this food package to make sure it was accurately labeled Explain what the agency does 10 As discussed in the Chapter 2 lecture changes are being made to food labels that will soon be standard on all packages Name at least three changes that will be made to the food label 7 points for naming 3 changes 4 points for 2 2 points for 1 11 Extra credit 5 pts What is this product

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GSU NUTR 3100 - Food Label Assignment

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