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Crime and Deviance Violent Crime Homicide Rape Robbery Sexual Aggravated Assault Myths of Violent Crime US is in the midst of a crime wave Violent Crime is on a significant decline we are as safe as we were in 1970 since its peak in 1990s property crime as well Individuals feel less safe because of media representations of crime that shape our perception Serious violent criminals can be any age Most violent criminals are 13 24 years old Desistance as individuals get older the less likely they are to commit crime you are more likely to be killed by someone of another race than you You re more likely to be killed by someone of the same race as you The most dangerous place in the U S is the streets Your home is the most dangerous place to be statistically Violent crimes are mostly caused by strangers Violent crimes are caused by people you know On Average Crime represents about 25 of all media coverage Violent crime is covered more than other types of crime People of Color are overrepresented as criminals These myths and misconceptions ultimately contribute to a Culture of Fear Culture of fear can be used to herd people towards War Loss of Privacy Divisiveness Hatred Jeremy Bentham Panopticon Building a prison that extenuates security and surveillance concept for modern security and privacy The Spectacle of Death how does violence in the media effect us Not all victims of violence death treated the same Dead White Girl Problem Much of Media portrays the death of white women and children the most because it sells Media does not treat perpetrators of violence the same Police Officers People of Color Foreigners Religious differences Reducing the Copycat Effect Report on the perpetrator forensically and with dispassionate language Minimize use of the perpetrator s name Keep perpetrators name out of headlines Minimize use of images of the perpetrator Avoid using pseudo commando or other posed photos of the perpetrator avoid publishing the perpetrators videos or manifestos except when clearly necessary or valuable to the reporting The Spectacle of Death We as consumers of media play a huge part

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TAMU BIOL 112 - Crime and Deviance

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Exam 1

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