TAMU BIOL 112 - Intersectionality

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Intersectionality We are composed of many social identities and all of them are interconnected Kimberly Crenshaw 3 core dimensions Class Race Gender Neither one is more important than the other all the time Physical mental ability height weight religion education geographic location citizenship status etc Hierarchy of Oppression examples Men Women Whites people of color Wealthy poor Matrix of Domination Patricia Hill Collins We all experience oppression We all experience oppression differently We can be Opressed and opressers depending on context Actors Family Friends Strangers Cops Setting Home School Street Work Time Day Night after major news event Structural domain of power institutions Connection de jure segregation white spaces structural domain of power matrix of domination Disciplinary domain of power law rules regulations Cultural domain of power media Interpersonal domain of power one on one basis Race and Gender Is feminism an upper class white Woman s issue For many years the Woman s movement was dominated by middle and upper class white heterosexual women Intersectional thinking not all women want the same thing because they are different Sexism Effects men too because not all men benefit equally or in the same ways from patriarchy Some men suffer from the patriarchy Men of color disabilities mental illness immigrant men gay men cannot capitalize on patriarchy like other men Bayard Rustin taught martin luther king non violence he did not get the fame and credit he deserved because he is gay Importance experienced discrimination within a movement for equality Is sexual orientation viewed the same by all races NO On the Down low Black men who identify as heterosexual but who also have sex with men because gay is stigmatized Example of Intersectionality Racism in LGBTQ Race and Class Family income gap between white and black families almost 2 1 Family accumulated wealth between white and black families 100 5 Ex Officials in department of veteran affairs denied benefits to black veterans White Americans receive the vast majority of tax funded government assistance programs social security SNAP medicare Medicaid Affirmative Action historically disadvantaged but not in the same kinds of ways as other races etc

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TAMU BIOL 112 - Intersectionality

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