FSU ADV 3008 - Deceptive Advertisement & Creative Appeals

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ADV 3008 Lecture 6 Outline of Last Lecture I Positioning II Message Strategy III Legal Constraints on Advertising Outline of Current Lecture II Deceptive advertisement A Creative advertisement III Creative Appeal a Ration vs Emotional messages Current Lecture Deceptive Advertisement Comparative Advertising when two advertisements compare themselves to each other The two standards require for comparative advertising Comparisons are factual Difference are significant The difference has to matter What s one more extra mile in gas mileage Is it enough to make a difference Endorsements Sponsorship of products usually by celebrities The two standards require for endorsements Corrective Advertising Use the brand but not exclusively Qualified to make expert judgments Must know about the brand can t blind support something without having correct information about it Prospective not retrospective How we are going to fix the problem rather than punish Reasonable in relation to the violation Not designed to take dollar to dollar cost but just enough to fix the problem at hand Not first amendment infringements They don t take away your first amendment rights like preventing you to publish a commercial again They just want to fix the problem Corrective advertising that involves punishment Liable Entities o Corporations Has the most money therefore more liable and also approved of the message o Advertising agencies o Spokespersons Can t be held responsible because they are just reading scripts however spokespersons such as the Wendy s owner can be held responsible o Retailers Rare to be held responsible since they only stock the product not in charge of the functionality of the product just sales Special Audiences The government pays special attention to these groups because they don t completely understand what is being advertise and can easily be deceived o Elderly o Children Self Regulation o Nation Advertising Division of the Better Business Bureau o No legal Authority Companies don t really have to listen because there is no legal authority behind it so its pretty pointless I think therefore I am an Advertisement I feel therefore I am an advertisement too Creative appeals Creativity Most important aspect of advertising o Relating to constructing building or creating o Seeing a problem and developing a unique and appropriate solution o Combining existing elements into new forms o Generation of new ideas The Big Idea The idea that sets your product part from its competition but recognizes and capitalizes on consumer s problems feelings and needs Rational vs Emotional messages All advertising contains both rational and emotional messages Emotional messages So when should we use emotion when there is nothing important to say and for added interest is needed When adding interest to a product it is called Borrowed interest Borrowed Interest The brand has no inherent interest so interest is borrowed from some other area Ex Buying other characters to input into commercials or advertisements Difference must be created in a generic benefit Superiority in a subjective area Campaign continuity Keeping the same general idea theme and concept with advertisement Rational messages Product Appeals are usually tilts to rational side and are information based Product Feature example Apple phones displaying the facts are to why their product is better Focus on attributes Rational Informative Favorable Product Price Shows off the price of the product in order to grab the attention of consumers Retailers Sales Specials Everyday prices News about Product The advertisement is designed to update us about the product New products Changes to existing products Product Popularity Advertisement shows off the popularity of a product Popularity of the brand Competitive Advantages Comparative Advertising Comparative advertising is when a brand is compared indirectly or directly with one or more competitors Directly is when the advertisement directly calls out the other Useful when Audience disagrees with the message Audience is exposed to opposing viewpoints The advertised brand is not the leader Comparisons are tangible The advertised brand has a smaller budget

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FSU ADV 3008 - Deceptive Advertisement & Creative Appeals

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