TAMU MARB 435 - Introduction to MARB
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Lecture 1 MARB 435 Outline of Current Lecture 1 Syllabus Introduction to Marine Invertebrate Zoology 2 Introduction of Invertebrate A Invertebrate Diversity B Pharmaceutical Role 3 Invertebrate Classification A Latin Binomials B Classification 4 Lecture 1 Vocabulary Current Lecture Description In today s lecture the notes introduce invertebrates and their role in the human life The notes define Latin binomials and Latin binomial history as well as vocabulary The Study of Invertebrates 98 of all animals are invertebrates Important for food webs and pharmaceuticals Factor towards human and animal disease Invertebrate Diversity 10 Invertebrate groups A totally of 98 of animals 1 Mollusks Squids Octopus Clams 2 Crustaceans Crabs Lobsters 3 Flatworms 4 Nematoda 5 Polychaetes 6 Cnidaria Jellyfish 7 Echinoderms 8 Sponges 9 Tunicates 10 Sea spiders Pharmaceutical Role Some Non motile invertebrate compounds contain anti cancer or antiinflammatory properties Ex Sponges can be used as alternatives antibiotics or antifungals Invertebrate Classification 1 Father of Taxonomy Carl von Linne and published Systema Naturae 1735 The book introduced the ideals of naming species using latin binomials The oldest plant name dates to 1735 and oldest animal to 1758 Latin Binomials Two scientific names used to classify an animal uses genus and species Latin Binomials Name Beroe cucumis Beroe genus cucumis species Simple Reminders Capitalize the genus and the species is lower case If utilized in literature or research any latin binomial must be either underlined or italicized The year and author the animal or plant classified can be added to the naming Ex Beroe cucumis Fabricius 1780 Latin Binomial names can be abbreviated B cucumis Classification Species Aurelia aurita Genus Aurelia Family Ulmaridae Order Semaeostomeae Class Scyphozoa Phylum Cnidaria Kingdom Animalia Lecture 1 Vocabulary 1 Taxonomy Science and practice of identifying naming describing and classifying organisms 2 Taxon A group of organisms 3 Systematics Branch of biology that deals with classification and nomenclature 4 Phylogenetics The study of evolutionary relatedness or species with common ancestors 5 Latin Binomial Formal naming and classifying of species

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TAMU MARB 435 - Introduction to MARB

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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