TAMU BIOL 112 - Exam Review #1

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BIO 112 Exam Review 1 1 Important People a Aristotle viewed species as fixed unchanging Concluded that lifeforms could be arranged on a ladder or scale of increasing complexity called Scala naturae Each form of life perfect and permanent had its allotted rung on the ladder b Caroline Linnaeus a Swedish physician and botanist who sought to classify life s diversity in his words for the greater glory of God i Developed two part or binomial format for naming species that is still used today ii Adopted the nesting classification system which groups similar species into increasingly general categories c Charles Lyell the leading geologist of Darwin s time incorporated Hutton s Scottish geologist proposed that the arts geologic features could be explained by gradual mechanisms such as valleys being formed by rivers thinking into his proposal that the same geologic processes are operating today as in the past and at the same rate d Darwin known for his work on the Theory of Evolution and his work on the life cycles and anatomy of barnacles i Darwin and Wallace were the first to propose natural selection as the mechanism of evolution ii Strongly influenced by Hutton and Lyell s ideas iii The Beagle Voyage a long voyage around the world its primary mission was to carefully map the coast and harbors of South America After Darwin returned from the voyage he became the secretary of the Royal Geological Society iv The Origin of species concept of decent with modification e Alfred Russel Wallace British naturalist he developed a hypothesis of natural selection nearly identical to Darwin s f Jean Baptiste de Lamarck French biologist primarily remembered most for the incorrect mechanism not for his visionary recognition that evolutionary change explains patterns in fossils and match of organisms to their environments g Thomas Malthus economist who contended much of human suffering disease famine and war resulted from the human population s potential to increase faster than food supplies and other resources i Two principles1 Use and disuse idea that the parts of body that are used extensively become larger and stronger whole those that are not used deteriorate 2 Inheritance of acquired characteristics stated that an organism could pass these modifications to its offspring ii Also thought evolution happens because organisms have an innate drive to become more complex 2 Soil Rock layers 3 4 5 6 7 8 a Strata super imposed layers of rock that form when new layers of sediment cover the old ones and compress them Sedimentary rocks settle to the bottom of seas lakes and swamps Natural Selection a process in which individuals that have certain heritable traits survive and reproduce at a higher rate than other individuals because of those traits a Increases the match between organisms and their environment b If an environment changes or if individuals move to a new environment natural selection may result in adaptation to these new conditions sometimes giving rise to new species c Occurs through interactions between individual organism and their environment individuals do not evolve the population evolves over time Analogous not homologous same Genetic drift a process where chance events can cause also cause allele frequencies to fluctuate unpredictably from one generation to the next especially in small populations Founder effect when a few individuals become isolated from a larger population this smaller group may establish a new population whose gene pool differs from the source population Bottleneck effect a severe drop in population size resulting in less genetic diversity Theory of Evolution

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TAMU BIOL 112 - Exam Review #1

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