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NERUROSCIENCE REVIEW EXAM 1 RECEPTORS AND NEURONS Potential down axon arrives at terminal button voltage gated terminals Dendrite or soma is the post synaptic cell When the neurotransmitter is finished Reuptake terminal button will take it back and package it to be used again or removal from the cleft Sodium potassium start the action potential after calcium channels open to release neurotransmitter HM had both retrograde and anterograde Retrograde amnesia that occurred before the surgery Anterograde amnesia occurs after the surgery can t form new memories Short term memory and working memory is fine No new autobiographical or declarative Can have procedural memories MEMORY Spatial map theory Place cells Hippocampus is mapping physical location in space Associative map theory where you are in relation to other objects in the environment Standard model of memory consolidation long term memories are going to be stored in the neocortex when the same neurons in the circuit is activated repeatedly that they will become wired to each other so that you do not need the hippocampus to access the memory Hippocampal independent After repeatedly activating it become hardwired in the brain connected in location where memories are stored possibly neocortex Repeated or large emotional component will become consolidated in long term memory Indexing theory bagel and coffee Coffee will trigger bagel from the morning Hippocampus forms an indexing spot of the associations Multi indexing theory memory is always hippocampal dependent Every time you form memorybrand new indexing spot in the hippocampus Repetition and long term memory due to multiple indexing spots in hippocampusincreases recall strength MOVEMENT Cerebellum is after movement is initiated Supplementary motor area for planning movement Primary motor cortex is encoding force and direction TOUCH Increase sensitivity in the fingers Receptive fields get smaller Mike Mersnkic Removing digit 3 Brain is plastic and will be efficient in using its space REFRACTRORY PERIODS Absolute impossible to produce action potential Sodium Channels inactivate Relative hard to generate action potential DELAYED NON MATCHING get rewarded for getting new object only needs to be familiar or not familiar They do not need to know the association They need to know they have seen it before without knowing what it is or how they know it Entorhinal cortex is used for familiarity Hippocampus is needed for recall CEREBELLUM Molecular layer outside of the cerebellum Purkinje then granule inside of the cerebellum Purkinje cell body in purkinje layer that have dendritic trees are in molecular layer and are flat and planar Guide movement by inhibiting neurons If you want to move left purkinje cells inhibit any movements right so there is never mixed signals Climbing fiber it the input that wrap around the dendrites of the purkinje cell and have multiple synaptic connection of a few purkinje cells 1 10 Mossy Fiber synapse on the granule cells Cell body is in the granule layer Project axon in the molecular layer and create parallel fibers Parallel fibers run across the purkinje cells and they connect to a lot of them but do not have a lot of influence on one purkinje cell like climbing fiber but reach more Activating a single mossy fiber may lead to an action potential in the purkinje cells Which part of the brain controls eating drinking body temperature and provides a link between the brain and the endocrine system Hypothalamus

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UIUC PSYC 210 - Neuroscience Review Session 1

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