UIUC PSYC 210 - Muscles and Movement

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Muscles Two Types of Muscle receptors Golgi Tendon Organs and Muscle Spindle Receptors Golgi Tendon Organs Deals with contraction Muscle Spindle Receptors Deals with stretch Has two kinds Primary innervate or supply with nerves to the central region of the muscle spindle Secondary innervate to the thin ends of the muscle spindles Muscle Activation Stimulus that enters either through the dorsal or ventral root Dorsal is sensory Ventral is motor Muscles receive input from motor neurons The muscle releases acetylcholine ACh Spinal cord Cervical Head and arms Thoracic Back Lumbar Legs and top of feet Sacral Butt and bottom of feet Levels of motor control Spinal cord activate either Golgi tendon organ or muscle spindle receptor synapse of neuron on spinal cord activation of motor nerves for movement Cerebellum Balance eye movement muscle coordination muscle tone Cerebral cortexPrimary Motor Cortex Encode force and direction Supplementary Motor Area Planning movements Premotor Cortex Planning and control of limbs Motor info crosses in the decussation of the pyramidal tract

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UIUC PSYC 210 - Muscles and Movement

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