UMass Amherst KIN 100 - BodyShopAssignment

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Derek Crowe 5 3 17 Body Shop Manager Assignment Hours week Number of weeks Pay rate Total Cost Fall 2017 Staff 8 15 11 1 320 Fall 2017 Managers 4 15 12 720 Winter 2017 Staff 30 4 11 1 320 Winter 2017 Managers 10 4 12 480 Spring 2018 Staff 8 15 11 1 320 Spring 2018 Managers 4 15 12 720 Summer 2018 Staff 30 15 11 4 950 Summer 2018 Managers 10 15 12 1 800 Total 12 630 Based off of the information from the assignment here is the baseline allocations that I would do with the staff and manager funding During the semester I would hire 2 staff members to work the weekends and 4 managers to work during the week During the winter and summer sessions I would hire in total 3 staff members to each work 10 hours a week I would also make sure I have 1 or 2 managers on during this time This brings us significantly under the total funds received for staff and managers With the left over 7 370 I would do the 4 following actions 1 To properly and safely run the body shop with 4 managers I would need to increase the amount of hours per week they work during the fall and spring semesters I would increase the amount of hours from 4 week to 16 week here is is how it would lay out 16 hours week x 15 weeks x 12 hour 2880 720 previous cost 2 160 x 2 semesters 4 320 addition for year New total cost is 16 950 2 Incase something comes up where a manager is needed to work for any reason such as shift coverage trainings etc I would have 80 manager hours each semester put away Note these hours may not be used they are simply to make sure the funds are there if needed Here is how it would lay out 80 hours x 12 hour x 2 semesters 1 920 New total cost 18 870 3 To keep paid staff and managers willing to work over the winter and summer sessions as well as to increase the benefits of the job for interested applicants I would raise pay rates by 50 This would not have a significant impact to the business but will to the employees Here is how it would lay out Winter staff 50 x 30 hours x 4 weeks 60 Winter manager 50 x 10 hours x 4 weeks 20 Summer staff 50 x 30 hours x 15 weeks 225 Summer manager 50 x 10 hours x 15 weeks 75 Total additional cost 380 New total cost 19 250 4 Finally I would allocate 750 in the case of a need for emergency staff funds for any unforeseen reason Once again these funds will not likely be used however it is always best to have funds saved just in case Final total cost 20 000

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UMass Amherst KIN 100 - BodyShopAssignment

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