UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Leadership Styles (1)

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Leadership Styles Which Suits You Best Autocratic Leadership Lots of power over people Staff have little opportunity to make suggestions Efficient Quick decisions Work gets done People resent being treated this way High turnover Works for routine or unskilled jobs Best for crisis military Bureaucratic Leadership By the book Follow rules rigorously and makes sure others do too Works for areas where you have serious safety concerns or where large sums of money are involved Also good for routine tasks Leaders achieve their position because of their ability to conform and uphold rule Not always qualified Resentment when team members don t value their expertise Charismatic Leadership Transformational inspire enthusiasm in their teams Energetic in motivating others to move forward Creates excitement and commitment Downside Transformational do it for team Charismatic do it for self Can lead to a collapse if leader leaves May believe they can do no wrong invincibility Success is directly connected to the presence of the leader Democratic Participative Leadership Make final decisions but include others in process Encourages creativity and involves team members Team has high level of satisfaction and productivity Helps to develop people Team feels in control so they are motivate Slow decision making but usually good results Suitable for when team work is most important Quality more important than efficiency Can hinder situations like crisis Some input from team can be damaging Laissez Faire Leadership Leave it be Allows people to work on their own Can occur naturally when managers don t have control Gives complete freedom for work deadlines Offers support and resources If team is monitored can be effective Feedback is key Need self starters on team Gives autonomy which can lead to high job satisfaction If team doesn t manage time well have skills problems arise People Oriented Relations Oriented Leaders are totally focused on organizing supporting and developing the people on their teams Participatory styles and encourages good team work and creative collaboration Treats everyone equally Friendly and approachable Pay attention to the welfare of everyone Makes themselves available People want to be part of the team Team more productive and willing to take risks because leader will support Development of team above project Servant Leadership Meets the needs of the team Leads by examples High integrity and lead with generosity Form of democratic because whole team involved Often lead from behind stay out of limelight Suggest ways to move ahead High values ideals and ethics creates positive culture Takes time doesn t work in fast pace Elected positions works well Task Oriented Leadership Focus on getting the job done and can be autocratic Actively define the work and the roles Puts structure in place plan organize and monitor work Perform key tasks such as creating and maintaining standards Deadline met Keeps people on task Don t think about team s well being Issues with motivation and retention Transactional Leadership Team obeys the leader when they join the team Paying team for their effort and compliance Punish those that don t follow Everyone has clear roles Motivates people via external drives Little job satisfaction stifling high turnover More management vs leadership Short term Good for creative lines of work Transformational Leadership Generally best for business Inspiring they expect the best from everyone including self High productivity and engagement Supported by team but not always by the detail people Which style do you use Can all depend on who you are working with and the type of business Can vary from project to project Vary from person to person Be cautious you are fair Develop your own style and work on it

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UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Leadership Styles (1)

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