UGS 303 Modernity Anxiety and the Art of the Uncanny Dr E M Richmond Garza Grading Rubric for the Two Page Essay 20 points possible Student s Name TA s Name Elizabeth Richmond Garza Below you will find the breakdown of how successful your essay was From the start of the semester you have been encouraged to use the 5step Cultural Analysis process to prepare your essay so as to ensure that your essay is exact argumentative and has an impact The steps of paraphrase observe contextualize analyze and argue appear below with the number of possible and number of earned points as well as a few brief comments We hope that this breakdown helps you to see the strengths and weaknesses of your work 1 Paraphrase Quote Did you make exact and appropriate use of details from the work whether in the form or direct quotations or in the form of paraphrase and or description 4 points are possible and you earned 3 4 2 Observe Did you comment on formal features or qualities of the work s rhetoric diction style montage camera angle musical score composition language color palette etc represented by the details you cite 4 points are possible and you earned 3 4 3 Contextualize Did you offer a clear definition of the uncanny focusing on a single mechanism from the Freud essay In order to receive full credit you will need to explain which mechanism you see operating in the work you chose define it and show how and why it is an appropriate way to analyze that work 2 points are possible and you earned 1 2 4 Analyze Did you explain why the details and qualities that you selected are significant and how they contribute to an understanding or interpretation of what the work means 6 points are possible and you earned 4 6 5 Argue Did you construct a single coherent argument that organizes the entire essay and conveys your understanding of the work s meaning and purpose Do the individual observations and analyses that you present in your paper all contribute to the support of your central thesis or claim 4 points are possible and you earned 2 4 UGS 303 Modernity Anxiety and the Art of the Uncanny Dr E M Richmond Garza Grading Rubric for the Two Page Essay 20 points possible Brief overall comment and Score 13 20
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