UGA BIOL 1103 - Gene Expression lecture notes

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Gene Expression Immature eggs within endocrine disturbers interrupts the normal way insects in fish same glands as humans Phospholipids supports the nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum uses membranes one fatty acid chain 2 and phosphate group charged compounds hydrophilic component of lipid bilayer Polar heads likes water while the tails don t Water is polar orienting themselves in a line MEMBRANE COMPOSITION better to hate water barrier cholesterol next to fatty acid b c it s not charged Protein passes through contains amino acids and more fat loving Peripheral membrane protein and integral What type can pass Molecules attracted to polar heads love the water can leave the charge isn t charged straight through the phospholipids hydrophobic Salt can dissolve in water but can t go through membranes anything charged can t go through the membrane Signaling Cell where is estrogen made Estrogens are a group of chemically similar steroid hormones In humans and other vertebrates estrogens are made primarily in the female ovaries and in small amounts in the male testes and the adrenal glands brain and fat of both sexes Target Cell what cells respond to estrogen Eukaryotic cells How does that signal move between these cells and then how does it move into cells When an estrogen move between the cells they produce effects by docking with the receptors on the cell s membrane This cause the estrogen to start relay in the cytoplasm thus rejiggering nitric oxide flood the cell with calcium or initiate hormone release If estrogen move into the cells then they reunite with a receptor then move to the nucleus After they bind to DNA sites which activates protein producing genes Describe the mechanism where by estrogen affect the cells that it binds In other words how does it make cells grow or change Estrogen targets genes control cell growth speeds it up Development of breast and uterine tissues Estrogen mimic detrimental effects causes mutations cells divide too fast cause cancer gonads can needs adequate amount of estrogen high causes cell division also breast cell proliferation Transcription What cells react to estrogen only acts if they have the receptors diffusion Cells have the same DNA but which part of the genes we use for transcription 9 11 13 Turn protein of by shutting down the transcription of the rna Regulator region is the enhancer Rna polymerase activated when binded the promoter or the enhancer region work to initate transcription Repressor inhibits the activation of form binding to dna Determines the actual rate of dna transcription 9 13 13 Dna mutation heredity radiation or chemicals errors during dna replication Radiation prevents actively binding Chemotherapy drugs Tamoxifen induces a different shape in the estrogen receptors to make it no longer bind to the coactivators preventing estrogen to have a normal effect in cells is a selective estrogen receptor modulator interferes estrogens ability to bind with the receptor This could be used after they find a tumor such as breast cancer Problem with serms not all cells have estrogen receptors binds to different protein activators depending on the cell Bone and uterus cells have receptors that bind to different receptors shape is different tamoxifin has more cell growth 9 18 13 Messenger rna produces not genes How many of the genes are made into the product Different cell types have same genomic dna and different rna s Gene microarrays are tiny chips with spots Each spot contains unique single stranded dna sequence form various genes of interest Take a cells to make floursecent dna into messenger rnaMyocyte rna fluorescent dna microarray glows Molecular diagnostics for cancerp

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UGA BIOL 1103 - Gene Expression lecture notes

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