UNT COMM 1010 - Notes Part 1

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COMM 1010 Notes Part One Communication the collaborative process of using messages to create and participate pg 7 Communication Metaphors Transmission One message sent from a sender to a receiver Interaction Coined by William Schram 1954 adds two components to the transmission model feedback AND field of experience Transaction Beyond relaying messages back and forth pg 15 We both act as a sender and receiver Participants are impacted by content and relationship Social Construction Stresses that communication shapes and creates the larger social realities in which we operate pg 40 Participants work together and co create meaning Messages are interpreted differently Historical Foundations of Communication Rhetoric The art of persuasion o All things are rhetoric and persuasive even when unintended ex clothing opinions o Both clarifies and obscures reality Ancient Greece Birthplace of rhetoric Polis Public Rhetoric Concerned with communicative acts preformed in front of an entire community o Persuasive Dealt with arguments and debate o Contextual Made use of cultural topes and narratives Modern Tropes Bless your heart or As proud Americans The Sophists Taught citizens how to defend themselves and persuade an audience o Wanted to get paid Didn t matter what was actually the truth Plato VS Sophists o Plato thought the Sophist persuasion was based on illusion and not reality thus it was deceptive and immoral What Is the Self Each of us has a Self Concept or general perception of who we are Possible Selves Versions of what we might become Self Concept has 2 main parts o Self Image The person s mental picture of himself herself o Self Esteem An individual s assessment of his her own self Based off what others perceive you as Symbolic Interactionism Communication is the primary means by which you internalize and use social values to guide how we see ourselves How we see others and how we interact o We treat others as a mirror that reflects our own image back to us o Our value of things is based on comparisons Verbal VS Nonverbal Communication Verbal o Represents via symbols efficiency clarity content level of meaning more intentional o Texting Messaging on social media is considered Verbal due to use of symbols Nonverbal o Represents via likeness warmth coldness authenticity relationship level of meaning less intentional o The way a speaker presents themselves ex distant uninterested engaged Words as Symbols o Kenneth Burke said that we are symbols using animals Symbols are o Arbitrary Means they don t matter until we give them meaning 2 o Abstract An inherent meaning of anything Not sure what anything means but as symbols gain meaning it becomes known o Intentional We intentionally call a desk a desk so that other people know what we are talking about We intentionally create meaning to symbols for easier interaction o Uniquely Human o Culturally Bound Different cultures have different meanings for symbols Thus have different importance to different cultures Ex U S thumbs up is good Africa thumbs up is bad o Contextually Bound Can have different meanings connotations Codes of Nonverbal Communication o Vocalics voice I never said HEE cheated on the test Emphasizing specific words for effect o Kinesics movement o Proxemics space Invading people s personal space for more intense effect o Environment General code of conduct agreed upon Must adapt to environment For example giving a speech in class vs speaking at a funeral o Expressions o Eye Behavior o Haptics touch o Physical Appearance Designing Messages Message Design Logics O Keefe 1991 o Expressive MDL Communication is a process in which persons express what they think or feel so others will know what they think or feel Honesty and openness o Conventional MDL Communication is a game to be played cooperatively according to socially conventional rules and procedures Privileges goals and strategies rather than directness More persuasion o Rhetorical MDL Communication involves the creation and negation of social selves and situations The ultimate goal is 3 harmony and consensus Works outside the social norms Seeks to change norms for the better Audience Analysis o Situation The speaking situation is concerned with size environment and occasion o Demographics Age gender cultural background o The Audience s Attitudes and Beliefs What ideologies and beliefs inform your audience Ex Speaking about Donald Trump at a republican convention vs at a democratic convention Plagiarism Plagiarism o Blatant Plagiarism Submitting someone else s paper copy and paste from internet submitting published or unpublished articles using direct quotations without citing the author o Bad Paraphrasing Often unintentional failure to effectively summarize someone else s work in your own words o Self Plagiarism Resubmitting work from another class or school and reusing direct quotations from a previous paper Public Speaking Two main goals when constructing a speech o Narrative Coherence the story makes sense and is organized effectively o Narrative Fidelity the story matches our own lived experiences Organizational Patters o Chronological The order of the steps is important ex baking recipe o Topical Subject matter is most important ex movie review or summary o Spatial Location and direction are most important ex relying on established knowledge landmarks for directions o Cause and effect The results or effects are most important ex persuasive 4 o Problem Solve Solution Organized in order to solve a dilemma convincing an audience that your solution is the best explain a problem explore the causes and offer a solution Usually best for persuasive speeches o Monroe s Motivated Sequence1 Attention Connect with audience 2 Need Describe the problem and need for change 3 Satisfaction Present a solution 4 Visualization What does the result look like 5 Action Request immediate action Brainstorming o Attention Getter think about ethos pathos logos Connecting through credibility authority and reliability or by emotion imaginations and sympathy or by logic reason and rationality o Transitions Grab attention then introduce yourself and outline the main points of your speech Transition between main points May seem arbitrary but it is necessary o Delivery communication apprehension can be helped with systematic desensitization Systematic Desensitization Practice Methods of Delivery o Manuscript Presentation o Memorized Presentation o Impromptu Presentation o Extemporaneous

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UNT COMM 1010 - Notes Part 1

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