Competing Standards in the News Prominence or celebrity o Well known person whose actions considered newsworthy due to prominence o Same for sports team organizations corporations Issues events that makes the news o Importance socio civic or orientation need to know o Intrigue entertainment Orientation Standard o Mostly journalistic o Concerned mostly with public trust obligations o Seeks to do quality journalism despite cost o Info we NEED Entertainment Standard o Mostly market o Don t want to spend too much time and money Little investigation o Seeks to reach the largest audience readership possible o Info we WANT News Attributes and Standards of Production o Orientation standard Often involves controversy or conflict impact or consequence timeliness Can also include psychological proximity human interest unusual or deviance o Entertainment Standard Unusual or deviance prominence celebrity psychological proximity Can also include controversy or conflict timeliness Possible Exam Question o We discussed how the orientation value of news is connected to the idea of Needing to know 2
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