MAN 3025 CONCEPTS OF MANAGEMENT KEY CONCEPTS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT 1 What is Management 2 What is Empowerment 3 Understand the 3 Key Managerial Skills 4 What is Leadership 5 Understand the difference between management and leadership 6 Understand the four functions of management P L O C 7 Understand the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR CHAPTER 2 HISTORY GLOBALIZATION AND ETHICS 1 Gain a brief understanding of the history of management and the contributions made by a Henri Fayol b Fredrick Taylor c Peter Drucker 2 Understand the concept of Globalization and the framework for analyzing the cultural environment 3 Understand the 4 Major Challenges facing organizations today 4 Understand the importance of ethics 5 Understand the ethical decision making process CHAPTER 3 PERSONALITY ATTITUDES and WORK BEHAVIORS 1 Become familiar with the concept of personality 2 Understand why personality is important to organizations 3 Recognize the Big 5 and other important personality traits 4 Understand what is meant by perception and the perception process 5 Know and understand 2 important work attitudes 6 Know and understand 2 important work behaviors CHAPTER 4 DEVELOPING MISSION VISION and VALUES 1 Differentiate between the company mission vision and values 2 Understand the concept of the stakeholder 3 Understand the relationship between mission and strategy 4 Recognize the importance of the Nominal Group Technique as a group decision making tool CHAPTERS 5 6 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1 Understand the concept of Strategy 2 Understand the Strategic Management Process 3 Differentiate between corporate and business strategy 4 Understand the concept of S W O T analysis 5 Recognize the importance of Tradeoffs 6 Understand the 3 Generic Strategies 6 Understand Porter s Five Forces model 7 Understand the concept of Competitive Advantage 8 Differentiate between Goals and Objectives 9 Understand the 3 step MBO process CHAPTER 7 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE and CHANGE 1 Understand the importance of organizational structure and its purpose 2 Describe the general trend occurring in organizations today 3 Describe the 4 Blocks of organizational structure 4 Understand the pros and cons associated with the matrix organization design 5 Understand what generates the need for organizations to change 6 Describe the different forms of organizational change 7 Understand why people resist change Chapter 8 Organizational Culture 1 Define organizational culture and understand why it is important for organizations 2 Understand the positives and negatives associated with organizational culture 3 Understand the importance of the ASA framework 4 Recognize the role of leadership in shaping organizational culture 5 Understand the role played by the reward system 6 Understand the process of cultural change Chapter 9 Leading People and Organizations 1 Differentiate between leadership and management 2 Recognize and understand the Big 5 personality traits 3 Understand the trait behavioral and contingency approaches to leadership 4 Review the contemporary theories of leadership 5 Understand the importance of leadership to organization success Chapter 10 Decision Making 1 Define and understand decision making 2 Understand the process of assessing ethical concerns 3 Distinguish between programmed and non programmed decisions 4 Understand the Rational decision making process 5 Understand the Bounded Rationality decision making process 6 Know the 2 major sources of decision making errors 7 Recognize the positives and negatives of group decision making Chapter 11 Communication 1 Define and understand the functions of communication 2 Understand the 3 basic steps in the communication process 3 Understand the barriers to effective communication 4 Recognize the importance of Active Listening 5 Understand the importance of Non Verbal communication 6 Understand the impact of new communication technologies 7 Understand what makes communication more important in organizations today Chapter 12 Groups and Teams 1 Learn why work groups teams are important to both the organization and individuals 2 Understand the difference between a work group and work team 3 Learn the model of group team development 4 Recognize the different characteristics of work groups and teams 5 Understand work group team control mechanisms Chapter 13 Motivating Employees 1 Explore the motivation and performance relationship 2 Understand the link between the various content theories of motivation 3 Understand the link between the various process theories of motivation 4 Discuss the various approaches to job design 5 Describe the relationship between motivation and the job characteristics 6 Recognize the impact of goal setting on motivation 7 Understand the affect of performance appraisals on employee motivation 8 Recognize the choices involved in designing an appraisal system
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