UT UGS 303 - Meetings and Debates

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UGS 303 1nd Edition Outline of Last Lecture I Main characters Lecture 21 II Justice v compassion Outline of Current Lecture I Reasoning without knowledge II Bad meetings III Good meetings IV Defeasible reasoning V Democratic debate Current Lecture I Reasoning without knowledge A Most political debate involves this B Things we cannot know 1 what the future will bring 2 exactly what we ought to do C Eikos what is reasonable to believe II Bad meetings A Start late B No agenda C Go on too long D No good jokes E No limit on speaking These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute F No listening G No eats or drinks H No takeaway value I Makes some people losers III Good meetings A Starts ends on time B Clear agenda C All are heard D Chair keeps meeting on track E There is food and drink F Clear takeaway value G Everyone leaves feeling good G Everyone leaves feeling good IV Defeasible reasoning A Alcibiades mixed cities are always easy to defeat B Syracuse is a mixed city C Syracuse is easy to defeat D Which premise is weak 1 The first one It is often true but not always Cities that are mixed racially but united politically like Syracuse are difficult to defeat V Democratic debate A Equal time B Equal access C Rebuttals D Listening E W Good leaders are good losers 1 Agamemnon was a bad leader because he was a bad loser

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UT UGS 303 - Meetings and Debates

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