Politics Institutions Authorities allocation of values making collective decisions Resolving conflict in peaceful way Similar to war Designed to help members get reelected Never neutral Protect own status Resolve conflict Increases of complexity of conflict leads to increases in complexity of institutions How can government resolve conflict Use force Enforce collective agreements Basic forms of government Autocracy power in one individual Oligarchy power given to a group of people Popular sovereignty belongs to citizens Representative Democracy citizens elect representative Direct Democracy citizens are decision makers o Vote on issues o Make decisions on own o Majority rules Liberal Democracies constitution constrain elected from taking away rights of minorities Republic government indirect form of democracy o Large government over small o Greater diversity o Moderate Core Democratic values Common good citizens working for good of community Truth government will not lie Equality have same rights as others Justice equal rights and fair treatment under the law Diversity differences in language culture and religion are celebrated Life right to live without fear of death Liberty right to think act and behave without interference from government Pursuit of happiness seek pleasure in own way without violating others rights Popular sovereignty citizens source of power Patriotism showing devotion to country Power should be dispersed and not held by just one person Promotes diversity Pluralism Public vs private goods Public goods o Once produced everyone gets to consume it o Even though you didn t produce the problem you still have to experience the result o Roads bridges schools national security and police protection o Pollution crime terrorism and economic recession o Always under produced o Private firms won t produce unless profitable Private goods o Eating out cell phones and personal belongings Collective Action problems Multiple individuals would all benefit from a certain action Individuals will rarely cooperate with each other Government regulates Three companies are making toys and if they all make 5 then they will all make optimum profit however if one makes 8 while the other four still make 5 then the one individual will make the most profit If they all begin to make 8 then the profit will go down Declaration of Independence Act of political persuasion Life liberty and pursuit of happiness Power comes from consent of governed Right to overthrow government Articles of Confederation All natural power placed in Congress Required super majorities everyone had to agree National government extremely weak o Government couldn t tax states First constitution of US o Could enter treaties o Raise army Federalists Madison Jay Hamilton Supported constitution Wanted Republic government Want BIG government Minority rights Antifederalist Wanted small government Jefferson Constitution Founding fathers objectives and values Built to achieve goals No neutral institutions Sequence of events Jefferson Federalist 10 Madison author Fractions o Groups of people with similar interests o Political parties o Labor Unions o Majority poor o Minority rich Proposes o Prevent fractions o Eliminate liberty Didn t want swift change Large government controls citizens Maintain rich Self interest problem solution Have to please people to be reelected Federalist 51 Separation of powers Checks and balances Differences in each branch o House Based on population of state Unstable unruly Requires more rules More responsive Age 25 years 2 year term o Senate Two representatives per state Moderating force Less responsive to the mass Smaller Age 30 years 6 year term o President 4 year term Can veto o Supreme Court Term for life Age 35 years Parliament vs US Pure parliamentary system Citizens vote for parties not candidates Parties decide which candidates will be elected if their party wins seats in the legislature Elects prime minister PM Party centered elections Unified government More party loyalty among MP Members of parliament Simplified choices for voters United States Anyone can call themselves a Democrat or Republican Multiple Dem Rep running for nomination Don t need party support Candidate centered elections Please voters Less party loyalty Gridlock Complaints about American Government Difficult to get anything done Politicians only care about getting reelected Democrats and Republicans are interchangeable Advertising Developing brand name Get people to recognize name Yard signs bumper stickers Credit claiming Generate belief that they re responsible for some outcome Pork barreling spending Members insert spending provision funding Highest 30 billion Major reasons why Republicans lost Declined after Democrats won congress District specific Help get laws passed Keep party in power Only small percentage of debt Position taking Emphasizes speaking and not doing Collective action problem Cannot do anything about problems Doesn t address BIG problems Norm of universalism Single member congressional districts Each member has own district Members not competitive o My reelection doesn t threaten yours o Help secure each others reelections o MCs public are losers Prerequisites to office Staff allowances o 750k to hire o 200k allowance o Answer calls o Write letters o Meet with constitutes Paid trips back home o Photo opps o Personal votes Franking privileges o MCs send unlimited mail Campaign finance laws o Common interest in defeating challengers PACs favor incumbents o Want access to winners MCs write laws so PACs can give o Unlimited money Concepts of representation Impeachment Process Resolution Committee Vote House Vote Hearing Report House Vote Senate Trial Senate Vote Backgrounds of MCs Tenure and career patterns Congressional pay and perquisites House 174 000 NO LIMIT o Allowance o Discount shopping o Tax deduction o Spend 900 000 on 18 different employees o Free travel o Free Postage Senate 174 000 NO LIMIT o Bigger allowance o Hire aids o Free Travel o Free Postage The committee system Not done in chamber Agenda setting What issues congress will address Sources of expertise o Serve for years Resources to enhance reelection Not in constitution 20 sub committees Governed by party ratio Seniority o Most senior members becomes committee chair man House o More specialized o Help distribute goods Senate o Jack of all trades Enables credit claims Farmers agriculture Teacher Education Role of parties Want to
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