CU-Boulder IPHY 4440 - The Female Reproductive System
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IPHY 4440 1st Edition Lecture 22 Outline of Last Lecture I Nature s experiment II Male reproductive system III Regulation of testis function IV Other actions of testosterone Outline of Current Lecture V The female reproductive system VI The ovarian structures VII Ovulation VIII The Uterine Cycle Current Lecture I II The female reproductive system A Estrous vs Menstrual Cycle i Estrous cycle period of sexual receptivity only ovulation heat ii Menstrual cycle monthly soughing of uterine endometrium B Estrous Behavior in Mammals i Lordosis in rodents and positive pressure test in swines ii Estrus vs estrous mucus noun vs mucous adjective The ovarian structures Many follicles and each follicle consists of oocyte surrounds by granulosa cells and surrounded by theca cells A The mammalian ovarian cycle i Two phases the follicular phase and the luteal phase B Follicular phase FSH increases follicle growth Granulosa cells FSH receptors secrete inhibin like sertoli cells P450aro E2 Theca interna cells LH receptors secrete androgens like leydig cells Atresia follicles degenerate Can occur at any time interstitual gland and an accessory E2 source C Mature follicle graafian follicle These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute III IV Ovulation Marks the end of the follicular phase by rupturing of follicles oocytes high LH in mid cycle ovulatory LH surge A Types of Ovulators ii Spontaneous iii Induced by copulation and ensures sperm for oocyte C Luteal phase ruptured follicle LH Corpus Luteam CL This process luteinization CL Progesterone Estradiol prepares for pregnancy and inhibits gonadotropin release Luteolysis CL Degenerates D Luteolysis in sheep Estradiol PGF2a endocrine luteolysis E Luteolysis in primates CL estrone autocrine paracrine luteolysis The Uterine Cycle Structure of uterus muscular layer myometrium Epithelial layer endometrium basal layer that is permanent and dividing also a functional layer temporary 3 phases 1 Proliferative phase in the follicular phase 2 Secretory phase in the luteal phase Secretion of uterine milk embryotroph 3 Quiescent for post luteal phase meses or menstruation Sloughing outer endometrium rapid regression menstrual cycle most mammals have a period of inactivity slow regression of endometrium estrous cycle

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CU-Boulder IPHY 4440 - The Female Reproductive System

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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