UT UGS 303 - Civil Disobedience

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Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice visit www foxitsoftware com shopping UGS 303 1st Edition Lecture 19 Outline of Last Lecture I Incarceration rates II Most common crime III SHUs IV Does correction work Outline of Current Lecture I What is law II What is a legitimate law III What is graphe paranomon IV Civil disobedience Current Lecture I What is law A Law is an ass Charles Dickens B Is an asinine law not a law Is an unjust law not a law II What is a legitimate law A Real constitutional B Made by the right people C Enforced equally III What is graphe paranomon A Accusation of proposing an illegal law IV Civil disobedience A Idea comes from Henry David Thoreau These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute B Nonviolent nondestructive C Public action taken openly D Based on conscience E Aimed at changing the law F Willing to pay penalty in order to show respect for the rule of law

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UT UGS 303 - Civil Disobedience

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