UW-Madison PSYCH 202 - Sacks Cases

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Psych 202 1st Eition Lecture 19 Discussion of Sack s Cases Hands Madeline o Cerebral palsy blind and incapacitated o Nothing wrong with sense of touch o Called her hands useless godforsaken lumps of dough Her parents did everything for her so she never attempted to try to use her hands until she went in a nursing home They put her food just out of reach They she began to make art Witty Ticcy Ray o Tourette s Symptoms motor tics profane language Haldol antipsychotic medication Dopamine antagonist Blocks the postsynaptic dopamine receptors Cupid s Disease Natasha These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Was feeling very frisky o Had syphilis at an early age symptoms only showing now o Cognitive changes Stayed that way until she died The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat Dr P o Problem of perception not sensory problem o Symptoms at doctor s office and was looking for his hat and grabbed wife s hat mistook shoe for foot he couldn t get big picture he knew he needed help and that something wasn t quite right o He hummed a lot o He was asked to take a walk of his town in his mind by Dr Sacks He only described things on the right side left side of brain Visual processing Left side of brain language detail small picture articulate pieces of things parts not whole left side of his brain is working fine Right side of brain face recognition making sense of small bits into a larger meaning This side didn t work well for him The Disembodied Lady Christina o Obstruction of neurons associated with proprioception perception o She was going to have operation and they gave her a big dose of antibiotics beforehand o Sometimes the antibiotics cause problems Diagnosis sensory neuritis something wrong with sensory nerves proprioception nerves specifically loss a sense of body wholeness Took her longer to do things stumbling around Trained herself to focus and learn to compensate for her slow moving problem with her eyes On the Level Mr McGregor o Parkinson s From low dopamine control of movement deterioration of basal ganglia substantia nigra function is movement o L dopa precursor to dopamine Made glasses with different levels to train himself to stand up straight and walk more normally The Dog Beneath the Skin Steven o Cocaine addict o He began to smell things no one else could smell o Increase the level of dopamine Disinhibited olfactory sensor Decided to stop using drugs to stop smelling so much

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UW-Madison PSYCH 202 - Sacks Cases

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