UT UGS 303 - Critics of Democracy

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UGS 303 1st Edition Outline of Last Lecture I Flaws of democracy II Plato s criticism III Plato s education argument IV Madison s worries Lecture 15 Outline of Current Lecture I Critics of democracy II Democracy s doubles III Real democracy Current Lecture I Critics of democracy A Thucydides 1 Generals are scared of the people behind them Nicias example B Plato 1 The experts philosopher rulers should make decisions on behalf of the people and in their best interests 2 His argument for leadership depends on an analogy between leadership and professional credentials 3 Thinks that the state is like a ship and must have a captain a Woodruff points out that states don t have lifeboats C John Adams 1 Property is a right of mankind as surely as liberty 2 If we had a majority rule the majority would abolish debt and divide the property of the rich among themselves 3 Only property holders should vote top 10 20 of rich These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute D James Madison E Putin F Lee Kuan Yew II Democracy s doubles A Majority rule 1 Who protects the minority 2 Should rule of law override majority 3 Is it possible in democracy to restrain the majority by rule of law B Voting 3 Who picks candidates 4 Who decides who can vote 5 Who counts the votes 6 Who decides what issues to vote on 7 Can I form a new effective political party C Elected representatives 8 Who do they represent a Donors b Primary voters c Special interests 9 Do they represent me a Is there a party with my point of view III Real democracy A Democracy is defined by its goals 1 To build a government by and for the people B Democratic ideals 1 Freedom 2 Harmony 3 Rule of law 4 Equality 5 Debate 6 Education C Ethical ideals democracy seeks 1 Justice a Each person gets their due b The community is persuaded that this is so 2 Reverence a People neither think nor act as gods 3 Leadership a Influence by example b Power of character

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UT UGS 303 - Critics of Democracy

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