UT UGS 303 - The Flaws of Democracy

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UGS 303 1st Edition Outline of Last Lecture I Sparta v Athens Lecture 14 II Pericles Strategy III Adversary Debate IV Decision for War Outline of Current Lecture I Flaws of democracy II Plato s criticism III Plato s education argument IV Madison s worries Current Lecture I Flaws of democracy A The American founders thought that one of the worst things that could happen to the U S was democracy 1 It is unstable 2 They used Greece as an example of why democracy fails B But actually Greek democracy only failed because of outside forces The Roman Republic on the other hand collapsed from within II Plato s criticism A Like an embroidered cloak democracy is flashy but not truly beautiful B It kindles an insatiable desire for freedom 1 father fear sons teachers fear students These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 2 people take no notice of laws because they wish to have no masters 3 people shout down debate C No qualifying education for leaders III Plato s education argument A The common good requires that certain roles be filled B Leading is one of these roles C One who is not qualified for a role should not have that role D Unqualified people should not lead E To be qualified is to be educated F Ordinary people are not educated G Ordinary people are not qualified to lead H CONCLUSION Ordinary people should not lead IV Madison s worries A If small factions will tyrannize B Majority will constitute a faction and nothing will prevent them from sacrificing the weaker party C If large factions will create mob rule

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UT UGS 303 - The Flaws of Democracy

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