PSYCH 202 1st Edition Lecture 17 Biopsych Somatosensory Cortex Broca s Area Language Production Speaking Frontal lobe Able to speak If not working can t make articulate remarks Wernicke s Area Language Reception Understanding Temporal lobe Take in the language we are hearing make coherent sense of it understand it translate it into a meaning we can use Auditory musical Cortex Temporal lobe Visual Cortex Occipital lobe o Initial stages of visual perception Sensation comes from perception These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o The experience of sight is entirely associated in this part of brain not from eyes at all back of brain Integration of Brain Areas in Complex Functioning Example of Language Processing Speaking a written word involves at least 5 neocortical areas Each area performs certain functions The areas coordinate their actions The brain acts as an integrated system Occipital lobe is where we first gather information but it isn t the part that understands the information Visual area angular gyrus Wernicke s area Broca s area motor cortex o Visual cortex receives written words as visual stimulation o Angular gyrus transforms visual representations into auditory code o Wernicke s area interprets auditory code o Broca s area controls speech muscles via the motor cortex o Motor cortex word is pronounced Back of frontal lobe Larson s Parody of William Penfields Pioneering Research Cartoon Poking random part of brain patient s leg goes up Split Brain Video Clip Joe has motor epilepsy Left side of visual field hits right side of eyeball and vice versa If information is on right side of brain he can t draw it with his right hand When information is presented to left side it goes to right side which specializes in faces holes larger stuf Left side details separation of elements looking at smaller bits language Touch and Brain Development Video What is the IV massaged or not What are the Three DV s in Tifany Field s Experiment 1 Cognitive development advantage 2 Weight advantage 3 Attentional advantage Note how this is a Repeated Measures Experiment Measured the same thing at 2 diferent occasions o Discharge and 8 months later advantage still there Massaged more alert gained more weight cognitive development Touching stimulates growth hormone didn t know that at the time Environment is so important develops growth and motor coordination Attention advantage
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