JOUR 3475 1st Edition Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 10 Lecture 1 January 26th Mass Media and Popular Culture Mass Communication Technology assisted process by which messages are sent to large audiences Mass Media Vehicles through which mass communication takes place internet print etc Mass media industries T V sports movies etc Culture Shared understandings beliefs values practices customs rituals traditions and symbols of a group of people Beliefs Our personal understandings it s really about opinion Values abstract goals or end states of human existence Customs Accepted behavior more formal than a habit Rituals A type of symbolic activity consisting of a series of steps Tradition A custom or ritual passed down through generations Characteristics of culture specific socialization subcultures shared experience values belief change Mass Media as Cultural Storytellers A culture s values and beliefs reside in the stories it tells Our stories help define our realities shaping the way we think feel and act Audience Responsibility Question story tellers Mass Media As Cultural Forum Mass media has become a primary forum for the debates in our culture The loudest voices have the most power John Storey s 6 Definitions of Popular Culture 1 Quantitative Which media source has the biggest following 2 High Culture Vs Low Culture 3 Mass Culture basically commercial culture Popular culture is mass producing things 4 Folk Culture Anything that is pop culture is coming from the people 5 Gramsci Hegemony Struggle within a certain culture there is a dominant group that is powerful and controls media Subordinate receives challenges 6 Post Modern Culture the division between high and low culture does not exist Characteristics of Popular Culture Origin Where it emerges from Motivation What is motivating this creation Diffusion How is it culturally diffused Shelf Life how long something stays popular High Culture Scholars elite intellectuals Identify pop culture as low culture mass produced Only the few can truly enjoy high culture art wealthy intellectuals Questions Are Jane Austin s Emma and Gwenyth Paltrow s Emma and Clueless based on Emma high culture What makes a cultural artifact Song play book high culture o old o not obvious what the message is o you have to use cognitive activity o low commodity Why is this distinction or lack there of important popular culture dumbing down the masses edifying impulse expose people to high culture Popular Culture Scholars High vs Low culture Criteria is different Access Divide vs Unite many people like star wars across the globe this unites us Steven Johnson Everything Bad is good for you popular culture is not dumbing us down narrative complexity we use a lot of cognitive work while watching pop culture cognitive complexity then vs now Popular Culture Our Approach Entertainment Vs Critical thinking critical thinking negative vs positive Monolithic Approach cs Pluralistic approach Ongoing Research Questions Who creates pop culture Who influences the creation of pop culture Who benefits from pop culture and how Who is harmed by pop culture and how Players Involved in Popular culture Creators Producers Audience Sponsors Lecture 2 January 28th The Business of Pop Culture 5 Media Trends 1 2 3 4 5 Media Fragmentation Concentration of Ownership within one industry Mass Media Conglomerates Cross Media Ownership Globalization Top 5 Media Conglomerates 1 2 3 4 5 Walt Disney Company 21st Century Fox Time Warner Cable CBS Viacom A shrinking number of corporations now own the worlds major media outlets and therefore increasingly control the kinds of narratives and information people have access too What Implications does the concentration of ownership of conglomerates o You can do things the way that you want and control the cost Stages from create to consumers Production studios publishers etc Distribution Involves marketing and making money this is where the conglomerates come in Exhibition Where you view the media Movie theater book store etc Two Types of Ownership Vertical Integration is an arrangement in which the supply chain of a company is owned by that company Usually each member of the supply chain produces a different product or market specific service and the products combine to satisfy a common need Horizontal Integration is a strategy where a company creates or acquires production units for outputs which are alike either complementary or competitive One example would be when a company acquires competitors in the same industry doing the same stage of production for the creation of a monopoly Example Movie Studios working with Vertical Integration Talent agencies to acquire scripts and sign actors Production studios to create films Distribution companies to market the film and manage its release to theaters Valuable venues to show the movies What are some advantages disadvantages of vertical integration to media companies Advantages Minimize risk with integration Don t have to pay for royalties Easy distribution Disadvantages The same thing over and over People stop purchasing your item magazines etc Musician with a different sound What are some advantages disadvantages of Horizontal integration Advantages Book can be made into movie or tv series Disadvantages If you push the thing to much people will get bored People might not watch your show Control of information Quality and differentiate of content Profit Oriented Mindset Sources of revenue D V D Licensing Grazian Article Creative Talent input boundary 1st set of boundary spanners agents people who decide who makes it in Output Boundary 2nd set of boundary spanners publicists Gatekeepers surrogate consumers t v movie critics minimal risk not quality Main thesis Decision making in the media goes with what will be minimal risk not quality Going with what you know Established Genres Copy Cat Strategy Actors writers and producers Secondary Market1 2 3 4 Music in another media format songs for movies commercials TV shows etc Movies Global Distribution Movies Straight to home entertainment TV Shows Reruns syndicated shows Need For Blockbuster Strategy 1 2 3 4 Mass production of B products Sequels prequels remakes and spin offs Global international cinema market Branding and merchandising 5 Promotional synergy Shifting the burden of risk EX Musicians having to produce their own music and put it out there waiting to be signed by a major label Lecture 3 February 2nd The business of pop culture Audiences TV
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