MKTG 477 1st Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture I Brand attitudes II Multi Attribute Attitude Model III Elaboration Likelihood Model Outline of Current Lecture II ELM Central Route III ELM Peripheral Route Current Lecture If consumers are high in involvement advertisers should pursue the Central route because Advantages Positive message based cognitive responses support arguments may be evoked yielding morefavorable brand attitudes Brand attitudes will be more enduring longer lasting but Disadvantages If negative message based cognitive responses counterarguments are evoked they will yield lessfavorable brand attitudes Boomerang Many consumers may be low in involvement and so the message of the ad does not register with them If consumers are low in involvement advertisers should pursue the Peripheral route because Advantages Positive source based cognitive responses source bolsters and or positive ad execution based cognitive responses to peripheral cues may be evoked yielding more favorable Brand attitudes Many consumers are in low involvement states so they are more likely to tune in to peripheral cues contained in the ad These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute but Disadvantages If negative source based cognitive responses source derogations and or ad execution based cognitive responses to peripheral cues are evoked they will yield less favorable brand attitudes Boomerang Brand attitudes will be fleeting not long lasting requiring frequent ad repetition If consumers are in a high involvement state they may become frustrated due to a lack of information in the ad
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