WSU MKTG 477 - The process of setting promotional objectives
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MKTG 477 1st Edition Lecture 17 Outline of Last Lecture I Promotional Plan Outline Outline of Current Lecture II The process of setting promotional objectives III Why set promotional objectives IV George Harrison quote Current Lecture Objective Setting Today Creative recommendations specifically advertising objectives o The importance of objectives The process of setting promotional objectives usually not to increase sales 1 Research marketplace product customers a WSU where students come from where they live at school GPA before college and during crime sexual harassment 2 Establish benchmarks current conditions for a variety of things 3 Decide on a focal point what do you want to accomplish focus on 4 Write establish your promotional objective 5 Create the ad with the objective in mind 6 Assess whether the ad has met its objective Why set promotional objectives Requires management at various levels of the organization to agree upon a course of action players on a football team have different jobs but all have the same goal Objectives guide a number of other aspects of the promotional plan o Budget an objective of increasing awareness from 10 to 90 would cost a lot more than only increasing awareness 30 o Creative an objective of increasing brand name awareness would not wait until the last three seconds of a 60 sec ad to tell the consumers what your brand is These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Media you would buy media to target little kids on children s television channels but you would not put a dietary fiber ad on a children s channel Provide standards from which results can be measured Objectives tell us where we are where we are going and how we know whether or not we got there If you don t know where you re going any road will take you there George Harrison The Beatles If you don t set a promotional objective any creative execution would appear to be potentially effective even though it isn t

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WSU MKTG 477 - The process of setting promotional objectives

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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