MKTG 477 1st Edition Lecture 16 Outline of Last Lecture I Exam 1 Outline of Current Lecture II Promotional Plan Outline Current Lecture Promotional Plan Outline Test question Give me a heading for each component of the promotional plan outline and a one two sentence description of what is contained in that question I II III IV V VI Executive Summary abstract of the entire plan a Tell them what you re going to tell them but it is not an introduction Situation Analysis research that the agency does to allow it to gain insights about all the other parts of the plan they will be developing a Company product history budget b Product evaluation c Consumer evaluation d Competitive evaluation e Other forces trends regulatory Marketing Goals shows the reader that we understand the strategy IMC a Marketing strategy target market and the four P s i Done by the company b Promotional strategy advertising sales promotion public relations personal direct selling i Done by the advertising agency Budget detailed explanation of proposed promotional expenditures a Most expensive sections i Media space ii Creative production iii Research Creative Recommendations a Advertising objectives what do we hope to achieve with the advertising i Change an attitude come in and test drive the new cars etc b Creative strategy and executions how are we going to execute these objectives Media Recommendations a Media objectives reach and frequency i Find an effective way to literally reach our target market These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute VII VIII IX ii Where advertisements will be placed and when b Media strategies and plans how the media objectives will be met Other Promotion Mix Recommendation a Sales promotion b Public relations c Personal selling direct marketing Evaluation propose how the plan s goals and objectives can be measured and assessed for effectiveness a Effectiveness measures Summary and Conclusions final synopsis of the entire plan a Opportunity to pitch why the company should choose that agency RE READ CHAPTER 1
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