MSU SOC 100 - Formal Organizations
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SOC 100 1st Edition Lecture 7 Formal Organizations Alienation A state of being in which the forces of its inventions dominate human life Bureaucracy An organizational structure put in place to achieve some valued goal by using the most efficient means to coordinate human activity Coercive organizations Formal organizations that draw in people who have no choice but to participate such organizations include those dedicated to compulsory socialization or to resocialization or treatment of individuals labeled as deviant Control the guiding monitoring and regulating of the production and delivery of a service or product Externality costs Hidden costs of using making or disposing of a product that are not figured into the price of the product or paid for by the producer Formal dimension The official aspect of an organization including job descriptions and written rules guidelines and procedures established to achieve valued goals Formal organizations Coordinating mechanisms that bring people together resources and technology and then channel human activity toward achieving a specific outcome or goal Ideal type A deliberate simplification or caricature that exaggerates defining characteristics thus establishing a standard against which real cases can be compared These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Informal dimension The unofficial aspect of an organization including behaviors that depart from the formal dimension such as employee generated norms that evade bypass or ignore official rules guidelines and procedures Iron cage of rationality the set of irrationalities generated by supposedly rational systems Oligarchy rule by the few or the concentration of decision making power in the hands of a few people who hold the top positions in a hierarchy Predictability the expectation that service or product will be the same no matter when or where it is purchased Professionalism A trend in which organizations hire experts with formal training in a particular subject or activity training needed to achieve organizational goals Quantification and calculation Numerical indicators that enable customers to evaluate a product or service easily Rationalization A process in which thought and action rooted in emotion superstition or respect for mysterious forces or traditions is replaced by instrumental rational thought and action Secondary groups two or ore people who interact for a specific purpose Confined to a particular setting and specific tasks Statistical measures of performance Quantitative and sometimes qualitative measures of how well an organization and its members or employees are performing Trained incapacity The inability because of specialized training to respond to new or unusual circumstances or to recognize when official rules or procedures should not apply or maybe doing harm Transnational corporations Enterprises that own control or license production or service facilities in countries other than one where the corporations are headquartered Utilitarian organizations Formal organizations that draw together people seeking material gain in the form of pay health benefits or a new status Voluntary Organizations Formal organizations that draw together people who give time talent or treasure to support mutual interests meet important human needs or achieve a not for profit goal Efficiency increasing output with low effort Scientific management break down a complex task in smaller pieces to get it done more efficiently Industrial food system one that produces high calorie nutrient low processed food that is more available affordable and aggressively marketed than nutritious food

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MSU SOC 100 - Formal Organizations

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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