UW-Madison PSYCH 202 - Learning continued

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Psych 202 1st Edition Lecture 9 Systematic Desensitization a modern treatment for phobias that follows Mary Cover Jones historical example o Systematic desensitization SD takes classical conditioning into realm of cognition visual imagery and mental associations are actively engaged o SD a cognitive behavioral method of treatment for phobias using the principle of counterconditioning o Counterconditioning a CC procedure for weakening a CR by associating the CS fearproducing stimulus with a new response incompatible with the fear o The SD technique the therapist with the client develops a hierarchy of feared situations CS s e g seeing pictures of snakes to napping with a Boa around your neck o Next person is taught relaxation coping imagery and skills o Then client applies learned skills while imagining CS s What happens when phobic individuals practice SD o Conditioned fear a CR is counter conditioned by newly developed incompatible responses o Note practice involves repeated trials which are forms of pairings of stimuli o Result diminishment of fear achieved through an increase of capacity and motivation for active coping management of anxiety producing situations How does SD work o When if we pair new and incompatible responses relaxation normal breathing coping thoughts images voluntary parasympathetic activity in general with images of CS s this leads to new CS CR associations over trials called higher order conditioning o The new learning creates a safety memory which can be activated by cortical processes to inhibit fear output by amygdala o Thus extinction processes of old fear learning typically involves learning fear inhibition behaviors via counterconditioning Related principles o Exposure and extinction are fundamental to behavioral change as result of SD Trying to decouple CS and UCS Trying to recondition with a new association o In CC terms breaking old associative bonds CS UCS relations through exposure extinction and re conditioning leads to learning of new associative bonds A Theoretical Distinction o Note the difference systematic desensitization vs in vivo desensitization What is nature of exposure in SD vs in vivo desensitization In SD exposure all in your mind exposing yourself to images and thoughts and mental dimensions of the fear and the reactivity In vivo desensitization exposure in life people go to therapists and aren t actually facing any fear need to bring person and fear together exposure is physical These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Isn t any better than SD Gary Larson s Images of Exposure o Facing fear of dark heights and snakes all at once Learning II basic concepts in operant conditioning o Reinforcement punishment o Positive and negative reinforcement o Shaping o Schedules of reinforcement and their effects on learning Shaping o Consequences of behavior determine its survival as in Thorndike s law of effect o Complex sequences of behavior are learned gradually through selective positive reinforcement or shaping of successive approximations of target behavior In video clip the pigeon is shaped first to turn in a circle then eventually to solve math problems and play the piano You re shaping pigeon to turn left until it is a circle o Ex s toilet training learning a motor skill learning manners reading good study habits social charm and influence o Skinner we are shaped to do almost everything we do in life Reinforcement the fundamental idea o Reinforcement refers to the process of strengthening or increasing the probability of behavior o Any stimulus that increases strengthens the behavior which precedes it is called a reinforcer there are and reinforcers ex s below Positive reinforcement o When a pleasant positive stimulus follows a behavior and strengthens it the behavior is said to have been positively reinforced o Positive reinforcers money strengthens what sort of behaviors class list good grades privileges hugs high fives pleasant drug effects on consciousness social regard approval promotions and bonuses warm fuzzies and other goodies from your honey bun o Is alcohol positively reinforcing What are the positive reinforcers for drinking alcohol in our culture Negative reinforcement o When negative aversive stimulus is terminated removed following a behavior resulting in the strengthening of that behavior the behavior is said to have been negatively reinforced o The removal of an aversive stimulus which leads to an increase in the behavior that preceded the removal of the negative stimulus Examples of reinforcement and events o The Office video clip UCS altoid UCR salivate CS tone of computer CR salivate Operant behavior him sticking his hand out for altoid automatically He is positively reinforced for sticking out his hand usually Fixed ratio o A parent gives in to a whining child What is negatively reinforced Aversive stimulus which is removed whining Behavior that immediately preceded the removal of the aversive stimulus in likely to increase frequency parent giving in being negatively reinforced What behavior is positively reinforced here Whining o Saying I m sorry terminates mom s menacing glances Negatively reinforced behaviors Apology Positively reinforced behaviors Your mom s menacing glance she has perfected the glance o Anxiety is decreased by performing compulsive rituals Negatively reinforced behavior hand washing because it reduced anxiety o Headaches stop when aspirin is ingested Negatively reinforced behavior Shamu Story another bridge between classical and operant conditioning and a lesson in mindfulness stress reduction and self change

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UW-Madison PSYCH 202 - Learning continued

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