UT UGS 303 - The Nature of Athenian Democracy

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UGS 303 1st Edition Outline of Last Lecture I What is Democracy Lecture 10 II False Democracy III What is Wrong with Our Democracy IV Representative Systems V The History of Democracy VI Closing Question Outline of Current Lecture I Did democracy work in Athens II Democratic ideals in Athens III Timeline IV The nature of democracy in Athens Current Lecture I Did democracy work in Athens At home Abroad A Was Athenian democracy perhaps only suitable for a small group of people like the Athenians and not translatable to our modern society II Democratic ideals in Athens A Freedom B Harmony C Rule of Law D Equality A Citizen Wisdom B Debate C Education III Timeline all dates B C E 1 514 one tyrant dead Hipparchus Was a tyrant because he used his power to gain sexual favors from young boys 2 510 last tyrant down Hipparchus brother Hippias 3 508 Clisthenes democracy begins He did so as a way to gain power for his family 4 490 Battle of Marathon Miltiades elected general 5 479 After battles of Salamis and Plataea Persians flee from Greece Delian League established Athenians provided naval protection from Persia to neighboring areas in exchange for money 6 454 Treasury moved to Acropolis At this point the Athenians truly started to consider this money their own and became an empire IV The nature of democracy in Athens A After the tyrants were dead did Athens need a new form of government 1 Yes 87 2 No 13 B Athens developed a system of democracy at home and tyranny abroad C Athenians did not have the right of free speech they believed that some speech could anger the gods D What did the Greek lottery not provide 1 Accountability or a place for the elite E The people s courts 1 Had no professional juries 2 The rich hated them because a they were too big to bribe b pay allowed poor to serve c anyone could bring charges d equality under law F Pericles main contribution to Athenian democracy was pay for jury duty G The main elements of Athenian democracy were 1 the lottery 2 accountability 3 people s courts 4 right to speak in assembly 5 pay for public service

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UT UGS 303 - The Nature of Athenian Democracy

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