ISU BBMB 405 - Acetyl CoA Carboxylase and Protein Turnover
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BBMB 405 1nd Edition Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture XIV Chapter 22 Fatty Acid Metabolism C Fatty acids are synthesized by fatty acid synthase FAS D Elongation and unsaturation of fatty acids are accomplished by accessory enzyme systems Outline of Current Lecture XIV Chapter 22 Fatty Acid Metabolism C Elongation and unsaturation of fatty acids are accomplished by accessory enzyme systems Continued D Handout 2 9 E Acetyl CoA Carboxylase plays a key role in controlling fatty acid metabolism XV Chapter 23 Protein Turnover and Amino Acid Catabolism A Handout 2 11 B Proteins are degraded to amino acids Current Lecture XIV Chapter 22 Fatty Acid Metabolism C Elongation and unsaturation of fatty acids are accomplished by accessory enzyme systems Continued 1 Eicosanoid hormones are derived from polyunsaturated fatty acids a Arachidonate is major precursor of eicosanoid hormones These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute b Control de novo inhibits FA synthase FAS in cancer patients is high so begin tested as chemotherapeutic drug c Prosteglandin Synthase takes place in all tissues and is inhibited by aspirin brings down fever produced in all cells and used locally stimulate activity of self or cells around it d Prosteglandins stimulate inflammation regulate blood flow control ion transport modulate synaptic transmission and induce sleep D Handout 2 9 1 About 40 to 50 different proteglandins produced all with different effects 2 Series 1 and 2 are pro inflammatory Series 3 is anti inflammetory 3 Different fatty acids produce different proteglandins precursors can be from diet or made in body E Acetyl CoA Carboxylase plays a key role in controlling fatty acid metabolism 1 Acetyl CoA Carboxylase ACC is regulated by conditions in the cell a b Influence concentration of acetyl CoA carboxylase in tissue goes down with fasting energy supply c High ATP inhibit protein kinase and stay in active state d Insulin effects protein phosphatase 2A lead to activation of ACC e What tissue produce most ACC Liver major site of de novo f Citrate in cytosol precursor for cytocolic Acetyl CoA bind to ACC and activate binds to phosphorylated form g 2 Acetyl CoA carboxylase is regulated by a variety of hormones a Produce malonyl CoA which inhibits CAT1 control rate of FA concentration in mitochondria b In liver small activity in muscle control FA oxidation c Regulation by glucagon and epinephrine control acetyl carboxylase increase fatty acid supply phosphorylation d Regulation by insulin phosphatase activity e Regulation by diet fast ACC decreases XV Chapter 23 Protein Turnover and Amino Acid Catabolism A Handout 2 11 1 Body protein always being turned over takes 4 ATP per amino acid to make protein 2 Bacterial cells urease uses urea to make amino acids problem of cancer in large intestine lower the concentration of ammonia 3 When fasting ammonia concentration increases B Proteins are degraded to amino acids 1 Focus on non essential amino acids in intra and extracellular to remember essential fatty acids MATT HILL VP 2 Digestion of dietary proteins begins in stomach and is completed in intestine 3 4 Digestion begins in stomach primary proteolytic enzyme is pepsin which is maximally active at pH 2 5 Pancreas secretes proteolytic enzymes into intestine where they are activated by enzymes 6 Single amino acids are transported into intestinal cells from lumen and released into blood for absorption by other tissues 7 Protein digestion animals are born without antibodies so get it from milk of mother colostrum

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ISU BBMB 405 - Acetyl CoA Carboxylase and Protein Turnover

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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